Chapter 10: Precious Mine

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Clarke was really enjoying the bike ride. They were traveling at a low speed, and Lexa really was an excellent driver, safely taking her around the city. Clarke's arms fastened around her waist, her chin lightly resting on Lexa's right shoulder feeling the wind of the warm summer night caressing her face, and playing with her golden hair. She felt it was almost a scene from a romantic movie, although she had never been romantic.

All that silly nonsense of romance and eternal love she felt it was just shit in humans. Those feelings brought only problems, dramas, lack of concentration, suffering, etc, etc, etc... and she did not have the time or desire to put herself at risk of any of those issues.

Clarke's mind was one of constant creativity, and that was enough in her life. She did not really feel the lack of a companion. Either in her bedroom or everyday life. She felt she was better off alone, indulging in carnal pleasure when she felt like it, and precious solitude when she wanted to. For affections, she had what she needed from her brothers and her three friends.

Now she was here, subjected to the woman who disturbed her in so many ways. She intrigued her and wet her panties, she couldn't deny that, and she liked her personality. She knew very well that Lexa was not a quick-witted slut with no brain. Yes, she was a woman who conquered what her eyes saw, but she had defined limits. Lexa did not fuck different people all the time, she was careful and intelligent someone who maintained that dominant natural spirit. Even when she was glued to her side, and in the moments where she had knelt and swore absolute loyalty, Clarke could still see in her eyes that spark of not letting herself be dominated, of not looking down with her eyes. She remained at the same level of power. And what she had also immediately perceived, was that Lexa had extraordinary handling of people of all kinds. She knew how to behave with people of a high level like her, and with people from the underworld as well, conquering everyone immediately.

Another interesting detail that Clarke had immediately noticed in her new employee was that she had a fairly high level of education, a little too high for her apparent working social middle class. The way she handled herself, the precision she had with her words, the way she gestured and even in the movements of her body the way she walked with a certain elegance. Clarke would say that Lexa Woods was raised in the high society like her, but how was that possible? It was killing her to know the secret behind that brunette with green eyes.

After a nice tour through the streets of beautiful San Francisco, on that rather silent motorcycle, Lexa was now stopping in a beautiful park that Clarke knew very well. She adored going there and feeding the beautiful swans that swam in the waters of the lake.

Clarke was surprised by her chauffeur. She imagined that perhaps Lexa would have taken her to the bay or to the beach. She never imagined that she would take her to the beautiful theater "Palace of Fine Arts" in the Marina district. At night it was really magical and beautiful since the building was next to the lake. It was completely illuminated, becoming one of the points of tourist attraction where inhabitants of the city and couples in love enjoyed romantic night walks.

At this time it was deserted. The only living creatures about were the beautiful swans swimming peacefully in the waters of the lake. The water barely stirred by the elegant movement of the animals, and by the light breeze that blew. The night was completely clear, and a brightly lit crescent reflected in the darkness of the waters beside the swans. Clarke had discovered something more about her chauffeur....she was without a doubt, a lost romantic fool ...

Clarke climbed off the motorcycle after Lexa turned off the engine. Without saying a word, she left the vehicle behind the CEO. Clarke immediately approached the shore of the lake embracing her arms around her own body. Even wearing that jacket, she was still cold. She observed, almost hypnotically, the beautiful pair of white swans swimming in the lake. Her mind immediately returned to a moment many many years ago, when her parents took her there whilst she was still that sweet and happy girl with golden hair and blue eyes like the sky. A little girl who loved to watch for hours those magical animals, so elegant and majestic.

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