Chapter 40: Spies & Surprises

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- Stop...! What the hell are you doing?! - Lexa said, pushing the waitress away from her immediately, refusing to respond to that unexpected kiss.

- I.... Shit! I'm sorry... - Carol took two steps back, looking at Lexa somewhat confused and surprised.

Agent Danvers didn't understand what the hell had happened to her in those brief moments, when she couldn't stop herself from trying those tempting lips of the very seductive agent Woods. She cursed herself, still looking at the brunette with wide eyes, who looked at her in the same way, waiting for a good explanation.

Meanwhile, inside the building, Echo was finally catching up with her boss before she stormed through the door into the kitchen, heading out to the parking lot. The bodyguard, without a thought, grabbed her arm making Clarke turn immediately with her hand raised, ready to put a good slap to the face of the person who had dared to touch her without her permission.

The CEO opened her eyes when she met with the nervous face of Echo who was holding her arm, and she motioned for her to turn off the microphone for a moment, so that Lexa couldn't listen. Clarke, somewhat confused, let go of her grip in an abrupt manner, she really didn't like that Echo had taken those powers, although it was the first time and she understood that the situation was somewhat extreme.

Once they both turned off the microphone, they stared into each other's eyes for a moment, as Echo motioned for Clarke to move away from the waiters who were beginning to dodge them, moving to one side of the busy hallway.

Clarke was pretty pissed off at a lot of things, and worse still by what she supposed was happening out there between her wife, and that damn stalker waitress, who already had a death sentence as soon as she put her hands on her neck.

- What the fuck do you think you're doing Echo?! Don't you ever dare touch me unless I authorize you. Is that perfectly clear? I don't care if you're now helping us in this mission, never, and I repeat, NEVER repeat what you just did. - Clarke clearly threatened with her index finger, quite upset. Echo just looked surprised by her anger, although she knew that by grabbing the CEO by the arm like that, she would receive some kind of reprimand from the boss.

- Yes Miss Griffin, I... I'm really sorry, but I needed to stop you before you do anything silly... - Echo explained with a nod of her head, showing a nervous face.

- What the fuck are you talking about ?!

- To go out there and make a scene in front of a waitress. How would you explain your attitude of wanting to kill her, because you are not supposed to know what happened between her and your chauffeur? Do you not think it might appear a little weird? Paparazzi may also appear, as they are, incidentally, just out there hoping to find some famous guest to capture at a bad time for gossip.... - Echo said calmly, but very accurately, causing Clarke's brain to work a mile a minute, and cursing herself greatly because Echo was right about everything.

But the CEO's intense blue eyes were filled with self-hatred for behaving like an uncontrollable and unreasonable teenager, when she should act cold and focused. She didn't understand that her mind was so fucking blocked, that she couldn't think clearly, intelligently, and control the stupid jealousy she was feeling for her wife.

She was grateful to have Echo by her side, stoping her and opening her eyes. Although she didn't say it, she just breathed heavily, rolling her eyes, bringing her hand to her chin, trying more than anything to calm down and focus.

- Yes, you're right Echo... Shit! This is beating me. Can't Lexa make things easier just for once this fucking time? Why the hell did she want to get into the dinner room and check on me? She's been so sloppy, that even a damn waitress easily discovers her, and now I don't know what the hell is going on out there between them. I don't like the strange behave of that waitress upon Lexa, following her everywhere, like she was a kind of stalker or something else.

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