Chapter 29: You & I 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

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- Well, well, nice to meet you Dr. Mitchell. I imagine you can discharge me immediately so. - Said Clarke sarcastically, looking her up and down. In fact, secretly the blonde was delighted with the view and Lexa read her prurient gaze immediately, just bending the corner of her mouth...

- That depends - answered Lexa with mischievous eyes, immediately causing mild heat to scour through the body of Clarke.

- What on earth does it depend on Dr? - The CEO entered the seductive game, forgetting everything else, while Lexa approached her bed.

- I would have to examine you first ... completely... and then evaluate you to see if you are able to be discharged Miss .... Griffin. - Lexa came to her side and with two fingers, stroked the burning skin of her right arm, ruffling her beautiful blonde immediately.

Clarke was immediately fired up from all her hormones, but luckily for her, her brain was not completely gone yet in this seduction game, despite feeling slightly damp in her panties. Clarke just looked back at Lexa, raising her left eyebrow.

- You better start signing those damn papers while I'm get dressed. - Clarke said finally, withdrawing her arm from Lexa's touch, not abruptly, but she just did not want her brunette touching her, or she would lose all control. Lexa looked at her with raised eyebrows, removing her hand and placing it in the pocket of the Doctor's coat that she was wearing.

- Well, I see that you are feeling better, but I'm being serious now Clarke. Do you really think that you are ready to go home so soon? - Lexa became serious, the desire to make sure that Clarke was ok after having fainted.

- Lexa, I feel perfectly fine, and I don't want to spend another minute in this damn room. It is grating on my nerves, so stop wasting time and get me out of here. We will drop by the house so that we can pick up our luggage, and then

leave for the airport. - Clarified Clarke, her voice slightly overbearing and very determined to leave this place at all costs, hoping Lexa understood the clear and simple message.

- To the airport? - The brunette didn't understand the intention of Clarke, who rolled her eyes.

- Yes, we will go back to San Francisco tonight. My sister is going to be unbearable when she hears about my discharge, and we also need to get to work on the issue of clearing my name. We have a lot to talk about, you and me. And Lexa, save the "I can't tell you this or that." If I ask you something, you will answer, no matter what I want to know. If you want me to trust you, I need information from your part as well. Is that clear? - demanded Clarke, immediately making Lexa's brow rise. She didn't like that arrangement one bit. She couldn't just tell the CEO whatever she wanted, it just could not be like that.

- Clarke ... - Lexa attempted to futilely explain, before being harshly interrupted....

- Lexa I'll not argue that point. We both are going to clear our secrets or we are not going anywhere together? - Clarke was clearly not going to budge, and Lexa had visions of herself lying in a morgue shortly after meeting all the questions from the demanding and unbalanced mentally boss.

Lexa cursed herself for falling in love with her and cursed Clarke for being so damn hard and stubborn. Clarke was obsessed with wanting to know everything, no matter what that would entail for the brunette.

- Shit.... You really have no fucking idea what you're demanding from me Clarke. This is no joke, if my superiors find out what I have told you, then I am in a cell.... waiting for my immediate death penalty. - Lexa tried in vain to make Clarke understand that there were limitations on what information she could supply, but the boss was still in her tough stance, as a typical rich girl who wanted what she couldn't have.

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