Chapter 4: Ascende Superious

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Lexa was almost ready to leave, but was still unsure of what to wear clothes wise since the CEO's message had been very short, simple and to the point, just as her new boss seemed to be. Why did Clarke need her at this time? Was it for personal reasons, or was it for her to chauffeur her and take her somewhere? The message hadn't given anything away.

She ended up opting for tight black jeans, a white shirt, black leather jacket, and short boots. At least if she needed to drive, she wouldn't have to do it barefoot again.

She had everything ready. She took her safety helmet since she had decided to go on her motorcycle, a Honda Shadow RS precious two-wheeled machine that she adored. But as she was about to cross the door, her phone vibrated again. Smiling, she reached into the pocket of her leather jacket, thinking it was another message from her intolerant boss, but it was from Clarke Griffin's secretary, the cute and sweet Harper.

< Unknown number >

"Lexa, It's Harper, Miss Griffin's secretary. She has asked me to give you the uniform you are to wear whilst you are her personal chauffeur. Tell me where I can reach you, or if it's easier for you, we are still in the building of "Griffin Cybernetics" where we met this morning.

Harper McIntyre"

< Lexa Woods >

"Hello Harper, it seems easier to meet in the GC building, say, ten minutes?"

< Harper McIntyre >

"Perfect, see you then."

Well that phone call immediately confirmed to Lexa that her boss simply needed her as a chauffeur that night. She hated the issue of a uniform, "old-fashioned like your grandmother Griffin, damn you" thought Lexa. She went back into the apartment, finding bright green eyes in the darkness wide open. Heda was surprised how short her mom's absence had been .

- Don't get excited Heda, I just need to bring back the helmet due to a change of plans. Now I need to go so no sleeping late, have you heard me miss?

The cat just licked her leg and went to bed, not particularly interested as Lexa walked back out the door. She had no choice but to take a taxi, although she would have preferred to have rung Ontari for a lift, but didn't want to disturb her as she would most likely be sleeping like a log.

Lexa had left her more than exhausted...she had noticed how tired those swollen honey eyes had looked, but so satisfied. She mentally patted herself on the back a couple of times for her good work. She definitely never disappointed!

As she remembered Harper's cuteness, it took her about ten minutes to reach the doors of the huge building that stood in the center of the city. Harper was waiting for her, there in the dark, standing next to a small blue and black car..... A Toyota Aygo. She had a dark blue bag in her hand, from which Lexa could distinguish the logo of the company.

Lexa stepped out of the taxi ,smiling as she approached her. Without stopping, she greeted her with two kisses... one on each cheek, surprising the secretary whose cheeks became somewhat hot and reddish from the unexpected greeting of that walking beauty called Woods.

- Hi Harper, I'm so sorry you had to come out at this time to give me a uniform.... take this, it's the least I can do for your enormous kindness. - Lexa pulled a beautiful red rose from behind her back, handing it to Harper, almost making her melt.

- I ... I ... you did not have to do this Lexa, it's my job. But thank you very much, it's beautiful, and ... hmmmm ... it smells so exquisite...

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