Chapter 17: Lessons & Punishment

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- What are you doing here Lexa, what do you want? - Clarke snapped with intense eyes glaring at Lexa. Oddly enough, the brunette no longer feared her fate in the hands of this woman. She knew what she wanted, and why she was there.

Silence again flooded the darkened room, only the sound of them both breathing could be heard. Neither sounded agitated, both were actually amazingly calm. But Lexa needed to answer Clarke's question. And even when her mind was blocked, lost in the depths of the ocean chill that had her hypnotized. Her response was simply dictated from another part of her body that took over...

- I want you Clarke... - whispered Lexa, keeping her passionate eyes on the blonde, who felt an electric shock go through her whole body with those four simple words, expressed so intense and so determined in order to convince Clarke that she was genuine.

Clarke had felt betrayed and humiliated when she had seen the evidence of the disloyalty from her chauffeur. She was really lost in anger, and even she could feel hurt somehow?. The CEO wanted revenge, she wanted Lexa to feel what she was feeling, she wanted her kneeling on the floor begging her to accept her apology. She wanted to see her mourn and suffer and agonize when begging for forgiveness. She wanted to give a good lesson in power, and learn that nobody betrayed Clarke Griffin.

But the CEO had never expected to find Lexa sitting on her bed in the middle of the night, with eyes full of regret and mixed emotions. She could not fully capture the emotion because they were all foreign to Clarke, but she could sense Lexa's deep regret, and maybe even some embarrassment? Clarke was struggling to understand how someone who was as much of a womanizer as Lexa Woods, could feel this way so soon after fucking a woman as she had with that bitch stewardess, who would be heading back for Sweden early in the morning as far as Clarke was concerned.

Clarke managed to see and feel the deep honesty in those words that sounded so strong in her mind and the rest of her anatomy which still trembled. "What the hell was she thinking? How could the anger and thirst for revenge that she had since she had seen the photos and videos that Miller sent her start to subside from simply looking in this woman's eyes?"

Clarke was confused and stunned and knew that she should urgently get Lexa out of her room as she could, not handle a battle right now with the way her defences were crumbling.

Similar to Lexa, Clarke could not avoid being carried away by her impulses when she was around the brunette, not when her mind kept feeling emotions that were so deep. She loosened her grip on the arm of the brunette, her eyes turning warm, and she looked at the beautiful face of the woman who was causing havoc in her perfect and orderly world.

Clarke raised her hand to Lexa's forehead stroking gently like a little girl. The CEO didn't really understand what she was doing....

But her mind somehow kicked back into some facts... "Do you just wanted to show some tenderness to that piece of shitty woman who betrayed you? What the fuck is wrong with you Griffin? Wake the hell up! That bitch just fucked another woman, and now she comes to you like a damn dog sorry for her betrayal just like that? She is a disloyal bitch, do not let ... "

Something kicked in again though for the CEO and defused the negative components of self-defense in her mind. Her hand followed the contour of the brunettes beautiful face, still staring and lost in those woods eyes that invited her to look deeper and deeper into them without fear. When she reached the end of that long, well-defined chin, Clarke stood there... her blue eyes now looking down to those open lips, and back to green eyes that had turned as dark as hers.

She looked at those thick, soft lips with such desire, the same that she had felt in her groin last night when she had kissed her body so sweetly and so intensely at the same time. She was desperate to devour her lips, but her mind slipped back to those damn pictures and videos of Lexa passionately kissing the Swedish whore a couple of hours ago. Her blue eyes immediately cooled, and a look of a wry smile crept over her face, feeling the edge of the betrayal of the brunette in her very soul. It reminded her that she was still hurt, still bleeding, and she could not forgive her...

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