Chapter 41: You have me now

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- I could say the same for you dear. What the fuck are you doing here?

- How about you answer me first? How about... who the hell are you? The event is a bit far away from this room, and I don't see you dressed as a waitress. - Lexa answered, challenging Carol without thinking for two seconds that she had a gun pointed at her.

- That doesn't matter to you, and may I remind you that you are the one with a gun pointed at you, and the one asking the questions is me. - The blonde clarified with sarcasm in her voice, moving her weapon so that Lexa became aware that she was carrying it in her hand.

- I really don't give a shit about knowing who you are, I don't have time for this. I don't know what you've come to get, but I wish you luck, because I'm leaving here. - Lexa spat out, starting to move to get out of there. She knew that if this woman wanted to kill her, then she would have already done so.

- (Carol chuckled) Do you seriously think you're going somewhere? Are you kidding or what Woods?

- Look, I'm going to make it simple for you, I don't know what you're doing here, but this sure isn't your suite. Now, like me, you have little time, and clearly you have something to do, and if we keep wasting time, then we are both in jail, so you decide dear... You let me go like right fucking now and spend the precious time you have doing what you come to do here, or...?

- Shit Woods! Are you always such an idiot? The report I read spoke about a famous career super agent, but it seems that I am facing a real fraud. - Carol said, releasing the air from her lungs reluctantly, finally lowering her weapon, returning it inside the pocket of her black jacket.

- Wait... what the fuck are you talking about? - Lexa asked, already knowing that Carol was none other than a federal agent like her.

- You are agent Lexa Woods, and you are in the operation "Black Swan", but apparently your boss doesn't have the necessary confidence that you are the professional you should be these days, so they have sent me to give you a hand to remind you. I am your new contact in the field, Agent Danvers, Carol Danvers - The woman explained, gesturing with her hands in front of a surprised Lexa who could not believe it. Had Anya really sent an agent to check on her?

- (Lexa laughed heartily) Really? This is too much... I'm leaving, I have no more time for this shit... Agent Danvers.

- You don't believe me? Do you need me to call Forrest to tell you loud and clear? - That ended up confirming Lexa's theory, and she started cursing her old friend and boss on a large scale.

- You know, you can do what the hell you want, but before criticizing how professional I am or not, look in a mirror dear. What the hell were you doing kissing me a little while ago? Or was that part of your mission with me? Do me a favor and don't screw with me, stay the hell away from me.

- Ok, enough of the presentations and cheap sarcasm. What have you found here? - Carol summed up, already fed up with the talk that was obviously not going anywhere, in addition to feeling exposed when Lexa mentioned the fucking kiss that she didn't get away with stealing from her. "Shit"

- Nothing, just an annoying and unprofessional agent. But if you want to review things, then feel free to do it yourself again, now I have to go so as not to raise suspicions. Good luck. - Lexa answered, quite annoyed with the situation and especially with her friend Anya. Evidently, her boss was suspicious of her when she realized that she was in love with Clarke. She cursed herself for it, but unfortunately Anya knew her too well.

- Woods! - Carol yelled, trying to stop Lexa who without saying anything more, had turned and headed her determined steps towards the door of the suite.

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