Chapter 16 Guilty Pleasures🔥😈🔥

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Half an hour later, at five o'clock, the elevator doors opened, allowing Lexa to step out and immediately spotted the beautiful Frida sitting in the hotel lobby on her iPhone, entertaining herself whilst smiling. The brunette watched her for a moment before approaching. Lexa felt a soft spot for this woman, she seemed a warm individual, nice and very pleasant to talk to, most likely open to everything, but she also knew that the evening would be lacking that true intimacy, as Lexa was not seeking affection or warmth of tenderness from this woman, when celebrating her birthday, she was looking for a good fuck, without thinking to much about anything else but enjoying sexual pleasure.

Finally, she approached Frida, they smiled at each other when she appeared startled and greeting her with kisses on both cheeks and rather flirtatious glances. Both knew how they really wanted the evening to end.

They left the hotel and headed towards the city center, walking along busy streets, and chatting generally about random stuff. After a nice coffee they both decided to get a drink. The sunset was falling in Las Vegas, with an array of colors in the sky in shades of reds, and oranges. It was a real spectacle for the eyes.

They sat at a somewhat remote table which was intimate and cozy, with dimmed lights. Immediately they were served by a waitress who asked about cocktails. Lexa decided on a Mojito and Frida a Sex on the Beach. Then the real talk started between the two...

- Well... I must tell you Agent Woods, it is a real pleasure to finally meet you - blurted out Frida, causing Lexa to spit out her drink of mojito that she had just sipped into her mouth.

- Sorry? What did you say? I believe that.... - Lexa was somewhat shocked, and continued to stare at the beautiful woman who continued drinking from her glass.

- Don't worry Lexa, we work for the same team. Secret Service Agent Royal Danish Mette Jensen. Again it's a pleasure to meet you, I've heard a lot about you in recent years. - she said stretching her hand out to the brunette, still not convinced that Lexa really believed her.

- I... sorry, but I really do... - Lexa was still in denial about her real identity, but Mette Jensen understood her position so took a small object from her bag, before looking over at the brunette.

- Wait, we need to make this legal or suspicion will keep in your mind and I understand you - she hurriedly said to Lexa.

Frida, or rather the Mette Jensen agent pulled out a small device with which she communicated immediately, calling for the US Inspector FBI agent Anya Forrest, leaving Lexa open mouthed. Apparently, the cute Swedish stewardess really was Danish nationality and was clearly not a simple stewardess, but a secret agent like Lexa, called Mette Jensen.

- Inspector Forrest? Yes, I am here and communicating with your Woods Agent. Yes, I think she need to hear that from yourself. - Mette said, speaking on the device with the voice of none other than the true boss of Lexa, and her lifelong friend.

- Anya!??? What the hell is this? Why...? - Lexa was becoming more and more infuriated by the second. She was livid that no one had informed her about her Nordic colleague, causing her to look like a complete idiot.

- Lexa, shut up and listen to me. Agent Jensen will be informing the Danish secret service of developments. She is part of the operation like you. She started working for Griffin a year ago when we first started attempting to infiltrate, trying at first to get under the skin of Griffin, but we had no luck with that, so we chose you for the task. Now you know I want to stay informed about all respective positions. - Clarified Anya, cutting all questions from Lexa. Knowing her old friend, she knew that the brunette was upset by the lack of information. But knowing she was on a date with Agent Jensen also indicated to Anya that her friend could never stay away from her carnal weakness.

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