Chapter 26: Just give me a reason ✍🏻❣️

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Lexa managed to let off steam by screaming, crying, and cursing everyone, starting with herself for allowing her foolish heart to rouse from slumber over many years, and with the least likely person. At the same time, she also knew that it was futile to continue punishing herself for this fact, because it really was out of her control.

The timing of Clarke's sudden 'dumping' couldn't have been better from a logical perspective, despite the pain caused from the uncontrolled situation. But in the end, Clarke's rude awakening had helped her plant her feet back to earth, and analyze everything from a more mental, than emotional point of view, a more professional one.

Lexa did not hate Clarke for having done what she had. She knew deep down that it had been the sensible thing to do before things continued climbing to levels too high, although it was a clear fact that they were besotted with other. Lexa hoped that one day, herself and Clarke may have a chance of finding happiness together, but it was clear that now was not that time, not with her goddamn mission, and her enormous duty to her government. Global security needed to be priority number one, no matter how much she loved that woman. She needed to continue the mission, especially now, wielding new information that her bosses had no idea of.

One of the first choices that Lexa made whilst sitting there on the beach, was to protect the existence and identity of Clarke's son at all costs, and that meant she would never give that information to her bosses. She would strive to keep that out of any evidence that she could find to exonerate Clarke, and prove that she wasn't a threat to global security, nor was she creating something that could endanger humanity. What she was creating was her second priority to reach the deepest secrets of the CEO in relation to her creations, whatever the cost.

Now the problem was how to stay close enough to Clarke, in a way that the CEO would allow, without being romantically involved? Afterall, the blonde had effectively fired her, and that had not been part of Lexa's plan. Suddenly, as if by magic, the image of Echo came to mind from when they had been standing at the airport and she had threatened Lexa that if anything were to happen to Clarke, she would come after her. Lexa had promised Echo that she would deal with anything that came along, because Lexa was not only supposed to be the chauffeur of the CEO, but also her bodyguard whilst they were there on the island.

A slight smile crossed her face, though she was not really in the mood to smile. Her heart tried to calm and comfort her, reassuring her that not everything was lost yet, and that it was better to stay quiet at this moment. She knew that if she really wanted to repair things with Clarke, and give her that assurance that the blonde needed that they could still be around each other logically, then she would need time to prepare her strategy.

Another decision she made from deep within her crazy mind was that at some point, she would tell the whole truth to Clarke regarding her identity and how she had been prepared to betray her own country for the first time in her career. Part of her argued that she was losing her mind, but her heart was screaming at her to do so before leaving Clarke's life.

Lexa took quite a while to go over her mental thoughts and heart, carried away by the waves and the many seagulls flying overhead, trying to catch their prey in this beautiful mid morning sun, where already the heat was almost too much. She worried about missing her sisters competition, but needed time to clear her dazed head and soul.

Roughly two hours later, having finally recovered a little, and with a plan in mind, Lexa slowly made her way back to the house. Clarke obviously was not there, but Kalia was cleaning she noticed, when she spotted the blonde's bedroom window open, and the woman apparently making the bed.

Kalia was arranging Clarke's room when she looked through the open window, and saw Lexa return home from the beach. Her face was not as happy as the day before, and the fact that she was there alone, alerted her that there had been trouble in paradise between her and Clarke.

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