Chapter 2: The Boss

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They travelled down to the secure parking on the lower level, where all the cars of the company were located, especially the varied, expensive models that the CEO had at her disposal. Clarke used the time in the elevator to communicate briefly with her personal bodyguard, Echo. Lexa took note of how abrupt the CEO was when speaking to people in general, subtly rolling her eyes.

-    Echo, I'm about to go home, wait for me in the garage. In two minutes we go out.

-    Yes, of course Miss Griffin, I'm on my way. - replied Echo.

The elevator doors opened and stood there was a woman of strong build, already waiting. She had dark toned skin, a perfect body, dressed in a dark blue tight suit, white shirt, hair neatly gathered in a pony tail, and a face that looked like a was as immutable as her boss's.

Lexa could not help but stare for a few seconds. Indeed Clarke Griffin had some very attractive employees with well-formed bodies. Smiling slightly to herself, she found herself thinking that at least she would fit in with the team on a superficial level.

-    Echo, Miss Woods is going to drive the car, she may become my new chauffeur. - stated the CEO.

-    Very good, Miss Griffin. Woods, it's nice to meet you. - The slender woman extended her hand to Lexa, without showing much sympathy, only education. Lexa shook her hand with a slight curve to her lips, the same as Echo.

-    Well, let's finish with the introductions, time is running Miss Woods. Let's see... you only have ... eleven minutes to get to my house. Now choose the car you will drive, because I recommend that you do not delay any further. -Lexa's face fell a little when she turned around, and in front of her was a long line of sleek, modern cars.

Some were well-known and very expensive brands, others not so well known. All varied in size. "Thank God" Lexa thought to herself.... she kissed her ass for having her addiction to sports cars, learning everything about them since she was a young child.

Meanwhile, Echo looked at her with a slight mocking smile on her face, giving her a detailed look from top to bottom. Her CEO boss actually had good taste in choosing employees. Lexa glanced over the cars for a moment and upon spotting the glorious black Aston Martin, fifth in the row to her right, she immediately walked over without hesitation, the English brand had always been one of her weaknesses.

Clarke watched her with the same mocking smile that her bodyguard was expressing, waiting to see which vehicle her gorgeous chauffeur had decided to go with for that moment. When she saw her go to the Aston Martin, she also felt it was the most suitable choice, noticing immediately that this woman really knew about cars.

Lexa climbed into the unlocked Aston Martin, the keys to the vehicle already sat in the ignition. Thanking the detail, she closed the car door and started it, driving slowly and parking next to her boss who was now looking at her with a serious face. Neither Clarke, or her bodyguard were moving... which told Lexa that she should go round and open the door for her stern boss. "SHIT!" she thought, the minutes were running and these stupid mistakes weren't helping.

Lexa left the car as quickly as she could, walked around the front and graciously opened the door of the back seat for her boss, who glared into her eyes for a good twenty seconds before climbing in. "Shit" thought the chauffeur....the CEO clearly hated her.

Clarke looked her up and down , the arrogant smirk on her lips almost imperceptible, but not for Lexa. In Lexa's head there was only the clear sound of ticking, of the clock running. Clarke studied once again the somewhat nervous face of the woman who was holding the door, knowing that it was consuming precious seconds, but she was enjoying it. She raised an eyebrow at her and spoke...

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