Chapter 14: Wake up in Paradise🌇

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The sun rays shone through the curtains of the brunette's suite. Lexa was so sleepy, and she just wanted to shield her eyes as much as she could. After leaving Clarke's suite with such mixed emotions, she had gone straight to take a warm shower to help her relax a little, and then immediately climbed into the huge, comfortable king size bed in only her panties.

She knew her itinerary for the day started at 09:00, and that she was required to take Clarke and Collins the lawyer to an important meeting in a building located in the center of the famous city. At 12:00pm, she was to then take them to some restaurant where they were having lunch with some local entrepreneurs, and then come back for the night, as the CEO was attending a dinner event at the same hotel where they were staying. Thus, her chauffeur duties ended in the afternoon.

As it was her her 31st birthday.... so long as Cruella gave her permission, she would go and celebrate somewhere. She had developed a taste for the entertaining city. The surprise gift that Clarke had given her the night before had destabilized her emotions well. She could not understand why her boss has been so careful in preparing everything the night before to help her celebrate her birthday.

Despite the awkward moments that had occurred, to Lexa it seemed a very sweet gesture from someone who was supposedly a cruel and heartless bully. She couldn't really remember the last person who had prepared a surprise for her birthday, maybe her little sister Madi, but it was a long time ago when she made her 18's.So out of some little things, the night before was without doubts something special that she wont forget.

The watch on her wrist began to vibrate, indicating it was time to open her eyes, and start the day. She needed to get out of bed, take a shower and get ready to go down for breakfast. Lexa adjusted slightly to avoid the sunlight, but suddenly felt that something was holding her by the waist. She reacted immediately, turning to understand what the hell it was.

She thought she was seeing things when her eyes turned and were met with the beauty of that face so peacefully asleep, partially covered by golden hair. Lexa's heart stopped for a second, along with her ability to process thoughts. Clarke was sleeping beside her, in her bed, and was holding her over her waist as though she were a teddy bear.

"What the fuck? .... What the hell is Cruella doing in my bed? Was I drunk last night? How did I not feel or remember her arriving and climbing into my bed? Shit. But

look at her ... she looks so cute... I have never seen anything more beautiful than this sleeping beast ... wait, did we....? "

Lexa obviously needed to check something very important. She carefully lifted the sheet to see the wonderful body of her boss, yes, completely naked, just like she had felt with her skin. Her mind then jolted into action without question. Her face became clear, and she turned her focus back to that body to take in more detail.

"God, look at those big and beautiful breasts there, it's like they're calling me ... look ... look at those pink and hard nipples ... hard ...? While she sleeps? Oh dear, I'm so fucking ... " Lexa spoke to herself, as the brunette did not want to wake her yet.

Lexa was so tempted to feel those exposed breasts of Clarke, to touch them and taste them, as she had not been able to do last night. The thought made her salivate, and her mind was blocked. When the watch on her wrist started to sound an alarm the second time, Clarke began to stir....and a frown started to appear on her pretty face, causing Lexa to began to shake all over. She immediately pulled the sheet back up again, and covered her head. She then rested her head on her right hand, watching for a few minutes the woman sleeping beside her.

Lexa was spellbound watching Clarke. Her heart was pounding and somewhat agitated, and her crotch was waking up, although the need to pee also began to fuck her, "not now shit ... suck it up".

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