Chapter 45: Connections ✨♾✨

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- Hmmmmm.... I love how you smell... the perfume of your skin... - Lexa said with a rather serious voice, after having experienced a beautiful and deep orgasm, and now devouring her wife's neck with pleasure.

- (Clarke laughs) And why are you waiting to devour me, my precious? - Clarke answered seductively, letting herself be kissed and enjoyed by Lexa's delicious mouth.

- I like to take my time and, you know... I like to enjoy you... - The brunette was now delighting in kissing those large breasts that she loved like crazy, just like the rest of the body of the arching blonde, who was moaning with pleasure.

But soon her body tensed, and Lexa immediately felt it, drawing her attention. She stop everything and she lift her head to see Clarke's blue eyes. The CEO was staring at her now with worry in them, cooping her face with her hands to talk to her in a very seriously tone.

- There is no time for that Lex.... I need you to find me my love... - Lexa was confuse at that suddenly change of attitude. But she could see in her love's eyes that she was seriously in her request.

- I don't need to do that, you are here with me and I will enjoy you my love... - Lexa answered, trying to ignore that tight skin of her wife, and her strange request. But she just ignored and went back to her business, or almost try. But something was definitely different and she got a bad feeling.

- No Lex... you have to find me... - Clarke insisted, cradling her face with both hands, trying to make her look her in the eye again, and see how serious her request was.

- But if you are not here ... where are you then? - Lexa asked surprised, also tensing her body when she saw that her wife had a disjointed face, and her presence was fading from her arms.

- Smells like sewers. It smells really ugly here... musty... - Clarke could only comment before her image faded, causing Lexa's heart to suddenly stop, desperate, trying to understand what the hell was going on.

- Cla... Clarke? CLARKE....!! Tell me where you are my love...?! - Lexa had now become aware of what was happening, that this was a dream, a very strange one, but her mind quickly brought her the reason for this despair. Clarke was kidnapped somewhere, and was spiritually communicating with her.

- I don't know Lex... it's dark and it's cold, I'm very cold... - Only Clarke's distant voice could be heard now, making Lexa immediately try to find out more details before waking up.

- Is there someone else with you there? - Asked the desperate brunette.

- No... I don't know... I can't hear anyone...

- You can't see?

- It's all dark...

- Don't be scared love... I'm going to find you - Lexa tried to inflict some calm on Clarke, although she knew that it was almost impossible.

- Hurry Lex... - Clarke's voice finally disappeared, leaving Lexa in the middle of a great darkness.

- Clarke.... CLARKE! - Lexa woke up suddenly, sitting up in the bed with tears in her eyes, shouting the name of her wife, as Carol approached her.

- Hey Lexa... Lexa...! Calm down... Everything is fine... You're fine now... - Carol said, trying to calm Lexa, putting her hands on her shoulders. She could felt how her whole body trembled, but finally those beautiful green eyes looked at her, somewhat strangely now.

- Ca... Carol? Where am I? - Lexa could only see that she was in a room, but she was not in the hospital. All she remembered was being in Carol's car and everything going black with a hideous pain in her side.

- You're in my apartment. Last night you passed out from the pain, and I had to take you to the hospital. You are luckier than a cat and their nine lives dear. You hardly have any bruises, and a fissure in a rib on the left side. They gave you a pain reliever and medication, and recommended rest. I arranged everything so that I could bring you here, so I didn't raise suspicions with the superiors. I don't feel like going around giving explanations. Now, you've pissed me off, and I don't feel like having a damn blemish on my record - Carol clarified in a calm but somewhat irritated voice. She hoped she wasn't making the wrong decision with Woods, by helping her find Clarke Griffin, without communicate with her superiors.

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