Chapter 21: Awaken Hearts 💚♾💙

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- My sister... is living in Scotland. She moved there about three years ago... she works as a Professor of Literature at the University.

- Wow.... Scotland, that's cool Madi... and hey, now that I think about it, you still own us a picture of your mysterious sister.... Alicia... - Nico said whilst laughing. Lexa tensed immediately, knowing that she was indeed that "mysterious sister"

The eldest of the Woodson's eyes were irritated, looking at her sister in despair, but at the same time trying to hide, as she could feel clarke's eagle eyes on her. The blonde had appeared to have relaxed a little now though, once she had decided that Lexa's issues were all down to jealousy and tension.

- Well, you should say... you two my dear sis... Because I have already seen a photo of the mysterious sister of Madi - Clarke said proudly, causing Lexa to start coughing again, and look sideways at her sister very close to wanting to strangle her.

- Oh that 's playing dirty Madi! How have you shown a photo of her to Clarke and not to us?! - said an annoyed Nico, whilst Karolina nodded at her side. Clarke was smiling, whilst Lexa still sat there tense. Madi decide to quickly explain to save Lexa's peace of mind.

- Well, not really, it was one in which we were both just two kids. My sister was eight years, and I was five. - Madi clarified, and Lexa finally felt the air return to her lungs, whilst Clarke laughed.

The table talk continued for a good while. Clarke had not attempted to move her hands back under the table, and Lexa was feeling slightly calmer as to what Madi had talked about regarding her older sister Alicia.

Her head was however, still spinning desperate to know what Madi and Clarke had shared when they were younger. Lexa tried to distance herself and act normal the rest of the evening by joining various conversations, knowing that she would find out sooner or later what the story was between those two, who were still intent on making a fair bit of eye contact over several moments.

When the table and utensils had been cleared, Nico settled in the kitchen to wash the dishes that had been used. Lexa graciously offered to help her with the drying, but then heard in the distance, Clarke invite Madi to take a walk on the beach. She almost dropped the crockery that she was drying as the tension returned to her body immediately hating the moment that jealousy surged through her. She felt fucked up, and couldn't deny that it was due to the thought of Clarke and Madi spending time together.

Lexa froze, and her silence did not go unnoticed by Nico who was still washing by her side, nor to Karolina when she entered the kitchen, and surrounded her partner with her arms, before lovingly depositing a sweet kiss on her exposed neck. Lexa turned her eyes to look at them, and felt a little envious of this couple infront of her who were now laughing shyly clearly very much in love.

- Sooo Lex... tell us about how you are finding working for my sister? - Asked Karolina still hugging her girlfriend from behind.

- Yes Lex, tell us... especially now that your boss has gone to catch up with her old friend? Is that what we should call them, my love? - Nico added looking at Karolina, who nodded her head laughing.

- Well... you know, we can speculate for a lifetime, but those two are never going to tell us what they had, and I've tired of trying to get it out of Clarke. She is going to take it to her grave. I mean... your own sister refusing to unveil a secret like that?! - Joked Karolina looking at Lexa, who immediately felt a sharp stab in her stomach upon hearing that. Right now, all Lexa needed was to run outside and scream.

- Hey Lex... ? Huston calling planet earth...?? - Nico joked, trying to get the brunette's attention, who looked lost in her thoughts

- Oh.... yes, excuse me, I don't know what is wrong with me today! Maybe the tiredness from this trip is affecting me more than I thought. I am not used to traveling so much in one day - Lexa excused herself, both girls understanding nodding, and smiling.

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