Chapter 20: Memories & Secrets

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After eating and chatting with Kalia, both women said goodbye. Clarke then proceeded to show Lexa around the house, who immediately fell in love with it. It was very simple compared to Clarke's normal tastes, which surprised the brunette liking the whole package a little too much she would say. She was enjoying Clarke's completely relaxed and distinct attitude, and her modest and simple home. It was an ideal and beautiful place.

Lexa was very perceptive to all the beauty that she was looking at. Her mind studied the situation in detail, but somehow it closed off to the opportunity that was presenting itself here. This could be a good opportunity to help snare the CEO, to make her trust her. On the other hand, it could be part of the Clarke's plan, she thought to herself, showing her good side, her normal woman's side, so that the brunette fell into this beautiful fantasy and ended up disclosing all of her secrets by mouth. That was not going to happen, Lexa said to herself mentally, she knew how to sweeten people to manipulate, she knew how to play the game.

After showing her the house, Clarke informed Lexa that she was going to take a bath and that they would visit her sister's house in an hour. Lexa just nodded, carrying her suitcase to what would be her room, to also shower and change clothes.

Clarke felt somewhat uncomfortable with Lexa's cold and distant attitude as soon as they were alone again. Why was it bothering her? She was raised in a worried and upset atmosphere, and she really didn't know why but she definitely didn't want this damn tension between them, especially while they were on the island. But she would not be crazy enough to lower herself again to try to make peace, she needed to find another way to do that.

Lexa had showered, changed clothes and had gone out to the garden that overlooked the private beach belonging to the house. A narrow and short path led her directly to the beautiful ocean where a red sun was losing itself over the horizon. The moment was simply precious, while a gentle sea breeze hugged her body, and played with her long brown hair.

Her mind was working at full speed. Why was Clarke trying to take her to that place? Was it really a good plan for her to enter through a tunnel with her claws and then make her confess? She would be somewhat disappointed if that was really the blonde's goal, although it would not cause her to be all that surprised either. Lexa was a little lost in her emotions and incredibly fascinated by the CEO, but her mind worked to alert her and prevent her from falling into such tempting manipulations. She knew that Clarke suspected her in some way, and would not stop for anything until those doubts were completely removed, but she was prepared not to make things easy, she repeated herself with determination.

She breathed deeply, smelling the salty aroma of the ocean, closing her eyes and trying to relax. She didn't want to keep thinking, she needed a little mental and physical rest. But she couldn't stop images of Clarke of her incredible blue eyes, of her curvy but very balanced body, of that white, ivory skin coming to her mind. It was exquisite skin that she had felt and savored pleasantly with her lips and tongue. Skin she had lit with her hands and enjoyed caressing.

Her body immediately began to wake up from lethargy, making her smile, whilst the sheet seized every part of her anatomy, even with her eyes closed.

At that moment, that very familiar serious voice brought her back to earth.

- Did you think of something pleasant Lexa? - Clarke asked calmly and somewhat mischievously, standing beside her. She had seen Lexa head for the beach from her bedroom window.

- Yes, I do Miss Griffin... - Lexa answered, without losing her smile by slowly opening her eyes. She did not turn to look at the blonde, but kept watching the waves kissing the beach. Clarke was hypnotized for a moment, observing the beauty of that woman's face, a face that she could spend a long time admiring.

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