Chapter 34: Bound to you ❤️👰🏼♾👰🏻

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- Hi... Clarke... - Said Madi a little nervously, holding the Bible in her hands as if it were life itself, ready to use it as a shield like Wonder Woman. Clarke looked at her intently without gesticulating.

- My love ... - Lexa intervened, trying to stop the possible hurricane Griffin.

- Lexa... - Clarke replied, with a very serious face, holding up a hand to the protective older sister, immediately halting her attempt to defend the youngest Woodson.

- Don't you think you and I need a good talk Boo? - Lexa was confused to hear the affectionate term of the word "Boo" at a time like this, and was shocked when a slight smirk occurred at the corner of Clarke's lips, whilst her sister Madi seemed as though someone had breathed life into her, starting to smile, and moving her eyes to the ground, her cheeks flushed.

- I think definitely... - Madi said, raising her eyes to Clarke, feeling a lot more relaxed.

- Yes, but now it's time for Lexa and I got married, and you're going to preside over this insane ceremony wedding, so let's talk later. - ordered Clarke, and took Lexa's arm to resume the ceremony. Lexa still was not quite clear to the meaning of "Boo", and although she was happy with the apparent calm reaction from the blonde, she was intrigued....

- Wait a minute everybody... Boo? What's that mean? - asked Lexa out of orbit. Madi was biting her lower lip as she continued with that smirk, and Clarke was becoming impatient with the interruptions and questions from her girlfriend.

- Lexa let's get married now... - Clarke proposed, rolling her eyes

- But I want to know... - Lexa looked like a little girl in the eyes of her girlfriend, who let out a small breath from her lips, whilst Madi couldn't contain a small, nervous laugh.

- It's me Ali... Clarke has been lovingly calling me "Boo" for a long time. - revealed Madi, surprising Lexa, who immediately raised an eyebrow looking at Madi and then at Clarke who was clearing her throat, somewhat uncomfortable and refusing to look at her feeling slightly flushed.

- Oh... oh... I see... "Boo", sweet... hmm... well... I'm glad that you are going to have that good talk later, now if you would allow me my love... - Lexa was satisfied by the clarification, although that nickname sounded too affectionate, she would say.

She eliminated the annoying thoughts though and looked at her future wife with a sweet smile that was reciprocated, beginning to walk next to Clarke where there was a nervous and excited Madi waiting for them.

When they arrived, they stood in front of the youngest of the Woodsons, who looked at them before shaking her head and smiling. She still could not believe what she was about to do, similar to something from those crazy love comedies movies. She opened the bible in her hands and began a very small religious introduction.

Then she closed it and looked at them again with enthusiasm and affection because what Madi saw immediately in both women, was simply the great love that united them and she was happy for them, although she still had trouble understanding how she was there officiating at that crazy wedding ceremony of her sister and her best friend, in the middle of a small Pacific island.

- Well, I'm not a pastor or a priest obviously, but somehow I have been entrusted to carry out this madness. Honestly, I can only say that what I perceive seeing you both here in front of me is wonderful, it is strong, and even contagious, "Love is in the air baby" - All three laughed - It is love of the purest that I have ever seen or felt, and nothing makes me happier than seeing the two people I love the most in the world, together. In truth, this ceremony is mere formalism. You have already joined, and I don't mean only sexual ... - The laughter of the three was unanimous, along with red cheeks from the throw away comment - I would say that I'm not sure where I am going to end up sleeping tonight... Anyway, without leaving this very special ceremony, it is time to listen to my dear friend and sister, and your vows, if you would be so kind, who would like be first to it?

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