Chapter 38: One for all, all for one

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The next morning, after nine, Echo entered Lexa's room, surprising the brunette after she was discharged. During the night she had slept well, she guessed that she had been given medication intravenously so that she could sleep without interruption.

- What's going on....? Is the boss ok? - Lexa immediately feared something had happened to Clarke when she saw Echo enter the room with a small bag in her hand.

- Good morning Lexa, don't panic. Yes, Miss Griffin is fine, she just sent me to pick you up. - Echo immediately clarified, whilst smiling and resting the bag she had carried on the bed at the brunette's feet.

- Jessss...! Does she think I'm going somewhere? - Lexa was slightly irritated, and rolled her eyes. Echo could not help the small laugh, surprising Lexa.

- I don't think that's the case, it seems more as though the boss has a special care and interest in her new chauffeur. How do you feel? - Lexa was a little surprised by the change in Echo. She wasn't used to the friendly and informal feels, and apparently she was also worried about her?

- I'm much better, thank Echo.

- You know, not that you and I are friends, but... if you need to talk to someone, or you need some kind of... help... can talk to me if you want. I'm not a psychologist or anything, but sometimes talking helps when we feel ourselves drown in our problems. - Lexa could only open her green eyes wide, realising that this woman was a real Pandora's box, but it was a nice thought.

-Thank you very much for worrying about me Echo, it's good to know I can count on you, and thanks for helping me last night. The boss told me you carried me for most of the journey whilst not in the car. It was very kind of you, I owe you one. - Lexa stretched out her hand toward Echo, taking hers gently, surprising the woman, who felt her heart warm at the gesture.

- You owe me nothing... just a little help. Our boss was desperate to help you, I have never seen her so panicked about anyone before. That leads me to believe that you are someone special to her Lexa. - the brunette's heart jumped a couple of beats after hearing that.

- I'm not special to her, she's only worried, that's all. I guess her heart isn't made of ice after all! She is a woman with a certain character and quite authoritarian, but I have discovered that she is also a kind woman who cares about her people.

- Well, here you go. The boss said that maybe you would need these clothes to get dressed, so you don't return to the hotel with an evening dress. I will wait for you outside.

- All right. Thank you, Echo.

Lexa remained quite pensive after Echo left the room. It was nice to discover that the woman was not as harsh and cold as she appeared. Something shocked her by this change in attitude towards her, and that led her to meditate a little on Clarke's idea to make her part of the team.

She knew she could count on her loyalty, and they had that extra security knowing that wearing a chip meant that they could control her if was necessary. But remembering that detail disturbed her because Lexa didn't agree with mental manipulation through an electronic component in the brain, she could not really accept it. And something told her it would not be necessary to do that to Echo.

She finally got dressed and left the room to meet back up with the bodyguard, who was having a friendly chat with a smiling and attractive doctor. Lexa smirked, Echo was definitely from her old team, never missing an opportunity to flirt and conquer. It was repeated "old team" in her mind, because it was so, she now belonged to another league, those that were tied to great love, lovers, those given over to the passion of a single and wonderful woman, became part of a serious relationship. She smiled again, before approaching Echo and that pretty blonde doctor, without either of them even noticing her presence, since they were both quite enthralled in their own talk and flirting.

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