Chapter 36: Mrs. & Mrs. Woods (Part I)

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Clarke had arranged to meet Collins in the restaurant of the luxurious hotel at seven in the evening. That didn't give her much time to rest, but she wanted to get started as soon as possible, and Lexa also needed to come to their room to sort out her luggage, as well as her laptop.

Clarke had obviously checked Lexa into the suite next to hers again. When they had retired to them, they didn't hesitate to have a small reunion in the large bathtub in Clarke's suite. After all the fire that Lexa had accumulated internally, she had a lot of internalised passion due to that idiot of a lawyer.

The reunion with her beloved wife was somewhat passionate and a bit wild, but Clarke understood her without a doubt and didn't complain at all about the adrenaline of passion and deep love that her brunette was displaying. Clearly Lexa was desperate to possess her once more, to make her hers, to let her know that no one else had the right to touch or to kiss that white ivory skin.

After enjoying several orgasms, and loving each other as only they knew how, they sat under the warm water and the aromatic mineral salts and embraced, feeling their bodies somewhat more relaxed. Clarke had her back resting against the edge of the white tub, and Lexa was lying against her, letting the blonde wash her hair gently. Clarke also press sweet kisses to her neck and shoulders, whilst her hands played with her abdomen and breasts, turning on the brunette, who immediately closed her eyes, letting herself be carried away by those mischievous hands of her insatiable blonde.

- If you continue like this, we are going to have another round of orgasms Clarke, and your skin is going to be too wrinkled for when you'll have dinner with that idiot.

- Hmmm... I wouldn't mind... I hope Finn doesn't realize that there is something going on between you and me. You must control those outbursts a little better Lexa. You know I hate having to berate you in front of him and make him feel important.

- I know, believe me I know... I have not been very professional, but I swear I could not bear to see him doing all that acting shit around you, as if he really cares... That fucking traitorous son of a bitch. Arrrrggggg! Don't remind me...

- Shuuuuu.... calm down beautiful... you know I'm acting. We must do this to unmask him, and I assure you that I am not amused to have to act. I hate not being able to take you by the hand and show the world that you are my precious wife. - Clarke placed a sweet kiss to her temple, and then another on her neck, whilst her hands caressed that firm abdomen under the water.

- I am not some trophy Clarke... - Lexa didn't take that statement very well "Showing the world my beautiful wife" She felt somewhat objectified. Clarke hadn't realized that it sounded like that to the brunette, and immediately felt bad for what she had said.

- I didn't mean to say that you are, my love... I'm sorry that it sounded like that... - Clarke apologized, and Lexa realised that perhaps she had sounded somewhat cold and rude in the way she had spoken to her wife.

- Don't apologize, it is me who is being somewhat sensitive and stupid, more than necessary - Lexa said more relaxed, stroking Clarke's cheek tenderly, whilst a sweet smile was drawn on her face. Clarke laughed, kissing her neck with desire.

- I love you silly, and you are all mine... - Lexa started laughing heartily as Clarke's underwater hands began to tickle her, having discovered on the tropical island that the brunette was very sensitive to them.

After a few more long minutes underwater and an extra orgasm together, they began to dress and prepare for the night ahead, when Lexa's phone began to ring, attracting the attention of both of them, who looked at each other for an instant, stopping their movements, then looking at the phone that was still ringing insistently.

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