Chapter 28: If I Ain't Got You

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- Well, she is stable and her life is not in danger. It would appear that she fainted as a result of a strong emotional shock, from what I can understand from the paramedics. It would seem that Miss Griffin had been involved in a very emotional discussion. - explained the doctor, allowing them all to breathe with relief again, although his comment directly impacted on Lexa.

- She... she was with me, we were discussing something personal. She was very emotional and strong minded, and when I asked her to sit down in an attempt to calm her, this was when she lost consciousness. Doctor, are you sure that she is going to be ok? Is she still unconscious? - asked a somewhat shy, but at the same time worried Lexa.

- Yes, she will recover, and will almost certainly not have any side effects from this incident. We have performed various tests to ensure that the fainting has not been produced by something different, but the results were negative. Yes, she is still unconscious, but we do not want to wake her by using an inducing drug. We believe that it is best to let her rest right now, and we will have Miss Griffin transferred to a room where we will wait for her to wake up and see how she evolves in the next 24 hours. Then, if she presents with no problem, then she will be able to go home. We are still very sure though that it was just a faint as a result of a strong emotional shock. - explained the professional in more detail, bringing about even more calm to the crowd, who appreciated what they heard, immediately producing smiles on all four faces of the women.

- Oh my God! Thank you doctor, you don't know how much of a relief it is to hear that. Can I go see her? - Karolina gratefully asked, needing to see her sister immediately, even though she was still unconscious.

- Yes doctor, thank you very much. We have all been left very scared by what happened. Can she have visitors outside of her family as well? - Added an also very grateful Lexa, causing Karolina's smile to vanish immediately. There was no way that she was allowing this woman to visit her sister, it would be completely inappropriate for her recovery.

- Yes, of course. We are happy for family and friends to see Miss Griffin, but try not to wake her, and please do not all go in at the same time. Take turns, and let her regain consciousness. Do not allow her to see you panic, she needs to rest. If she seems tired, it is perfectly normal after suffering a shock. Just give her time and space to recover slowly. Now if you'll excuse me, I must continue to meet other patients. Tomorrow I will again visit to see how she is, and most likely discharge her to the care of her own Doctor. I suggest that you do not overwhelm her with too many strong emotions again. - The doctor then left the room, to carry on assessing other patients.

- Yes, of course doctor, thank you very much again... - Karolina immediately returned back to her much more relaxed smile.

They all smiled and hugged each other, feeling like they could get back to some sense of reality, and with a calmer attitude, but as soon as they finished celebrating, Karolina went over to Lexa and Madi determinedly. Lexa somehow sensed what was coming from the youngest of the Griffin sisters, as she had noticed her attitude when she had asked the doctor if Clarke could receive visitors. It was clear that she was not included in those visits in Karolina's mind, and she guessed that she could understand Karolina's logic, given that she had been the cause of that emotional shock for Clarke, but anyway...

- This is nothing personal towards either of you, even though I'm pretty upset with you both, as I can not understand the reasons behind all the mystery and secrecy that you have kept from my sister. I apologize for my uncontrolled attitude, but I am telling you both to stay away from my sister, at least for now. She has suffered a big shock, and that is what has led us to this. Right now, she needs some reassurance, and I fear that the presence of you both is not going to help her recover as it should. I hope you understand, and perhaps some time soon, you can meet with Clarke and clarify things for her, but it will not be now. If there is any negative change in her condition, then I'll let you know. - Karolina stated in a very neutral voice, leaving the Woodson sisters in no doubt of the situation, but it grieved them to be unable to see Clarke, even though they knew that this was the most logical decision. At that time, they were two major disappointments for the blonde.

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