Chapter 22: Learning to feel...🔥❤️🔥

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The rays of the rising sun sneaked through the curtains of the room disturbing Clarke who felt the annoyance of the clarity in her eyes, causing her to begin to wake up. Her nose immediately distinguished an exquisite familiar perfume, from a skin she knew well. Her lips curved, and a beautiful and strange sensation ran through her whole being, not only ruffling her skin, but waking her soul.

She soon moved her face, and her lips found that soft and warm skin kissing it sweetly, and stretching her body a little, like a sleepy cat finally causing the owner of that skin to also wake up.

The moment Clarke sensed Lexa waking up, she increased the tenderness of her kisses. Tender mornings were not something that the CEO was used to, she never woke up with anyone, and simply did not know how she had lost her head to such an extent the night before.

But no, she wouldn't curse herself, she didn't feel regret. What she had experienced from that incredible kiss had been something totally out of this world, in comparison to what she had felt whenever she had kissed others. Finally, she had tasted those plump lips, that mouth she had wanted so much, and yes, she had delivered something she never shared with anyone, something that even she could not define, but that was undoubtedly something very deep and special.

She preferred to fall asleep again, taking refuge in that warm chest of her brunette. She felt a little worried as she sensed that Lexa was already awake, and was fretting as to why she had not attempted to caress or kiss her as she had done the first morning that they had woken up together. She frowned, desperate for that sweet attention, and it was strange for her to feel that need. Since when did she need something like that?

But nearly inmediately she thought back to her own rejections towards Lexa, and how she had tipped a bucket of ice water on the brunette, almost attacking her for having been gentle and tender. So she understood why Lexa might be hesitant, and didn't blame her, but she needed to feel her, so she took the initiative, as appropriate.

Without more thought, she began to leave a trail of wet kisses on Lexa's chest, deliberately avoiding her breasts, that were already hard with erect nipples like rocks. She smiled whilst looking at them with desire, she was amused by how needy Lexa was, just like her. And although she planned to continue upwards, slowly devouring that soft and warm skin on her neck, she decided to go down, finally reaching those perfect breasts of the brunette.

Clarke played with her tongue around those perfect, perk breasts ignoring the nipple that was clearly so in need of attention. Her hands went into action, settling her body on Lexa's, who had simply settled back to the mattress, so that Clarke could climb on if she wanted to. The blonde did not take two seconds to do so, positioning herself between the already open legs of the brunette, who produced a sigh of satisfaction. Her heartbeat accelerated, and her hands glided carefully over Clarke's body, reaching her firm bottom so she could caress her cheeks, making the blonde smirk at her.

Clarke enjoyed the soft attention from those beautiful hands on her butt, whilst she kept torturing that woman's beauty with her mouth. Her hands held those breasts and stroked them, her tongue finally attending to those hard nipples, naturally making Lexa moan. Her long fingers now caressed Clarke's back, slowly rising up until she reached her head, and entangling her thin fingers in that blond disheveled hair, gently stroking and lightly pressing Clarke's scalp, showing her appreciation of the delicious attention that Clarke was showing to her breasts.

Clarke could not restrain herself from starting to grind her hips, seeking that intimate contact of both of their soaking wet sexes. Lexa simply accompanied her in the sensual dance under the sheets, sliding her body down, which was burning in the same fire finding the perfect rhythm, slow, smooth, seeking more and more contact between them.

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