Chapter 24: Under your spell

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- Are you going to help me with understanding Lexa or not Karo? - Clarke asked impatiently. Her sister was taking far to long to respond as far as Clarke was concerned, after having confessed to her the whole crazy story with Lexa.

- Patience Clarkie... you know, you have no idea how happy it makes me to see you in love like this my darling sister... but on the other hand, hell sis, couldn't you have looked for someone different? - Karolina commented with gestures, making Clarke smile sideways at her sister for thinking it was so very simple to say, "Ah, I'm going to look for a better candidate," thought Clarke.

- What do you mean Karo? And stop saying I'm in love, I... I don't know what that...

- Oh, let me tell you sis, that it is exactly what you are feeling! What you feel for this woman is called "being madly in love", and I still really need to pinch myself. - Karolina joked, whilst smiling and making quotes with her hands. She then jokingly pinched her arm, making Clarke roll her eyes somewhat annoyed.

- Shut up Karo and tell me if you're going to help or not. I don't have time for your childish behaviour... - Clarke was getting irritated with the teasing from her younger sister. She knew she was only joking, but she already felt quite naked in front of Karolina with everything she had confessed. She cursed herself on the inside for putting herself in this position as her sister always stripped her mind so easily.

- Do not insult me Clarke, we are not children. Love is a huge part of this life, even if you don't believe it, or have never experienced it. Love is what makes people whole. So don't underestimate the feeling Clarke. There is nothing wrong with losing your mind a little for love.... but hell, I'm not sure what you can do if you have already fallen in love with your chauffeur?! You remind me of Lady Sybil of that Downtown Abbey tv show, where she married that cute Irish chauffeur.

The funny comment made Clarke smile, but then she immediately remembered what Lexa had told her that night in the swan park. She mentally reminded herself that she must press the brunette into telling her the story again at some point, but her thoughts were interrupted by the vibration of her phone....

- Oh dear Clarkie, don't you ever take a break? Why have you let work call you whilst you're on the island? - Karolina always asked her that when she visited, not wanting her to be disturbed during her break due to business issues. Clarke usually gave in to her sister, but this was important...

- Yes, I'm sorry ... - Clarke tried to apologize to her sister.

- Oh don't worry you big hotshot CEO, go answer it whilst I go to the bathroom. - After Karolina left, Clarke looked at her watch, noting that it was an unexpected message from none other than.... Lexa ...

Lexa woods

"I miss you...."

Reading those two simple words made her face redden like a tomato immediately, producing a shiver all over her body, and making her smile whilst biting her lip. She thanked the lord that her sister had given her privacy. The notorious thing about that message was that no one had ever written anything like that in a simple message that could somehow mean so much. Her hands began to shake a little, and her emotions spread through her being. Why the hell this woman always managed to produce these strange sensations which did nothing but cheer her up was beyond her.

Clarke Griffin

"It won't take much longer... I'll be back home soon"

Lexa woods

"Good to know that... please tell me when you're leaving"

Clarke Griffin

"Why should I do that? So I won't find you behaving badly Lexa? "

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