Chapter 3: Black Swan

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- Ontari, what did you do this time? – Lexa asked teasing her very known taxi driver, who looked back at her through the mirrow annoyingly.

- Just shut up Lexa and answer the phone, can you? – Replied Ontari passing the phone to the smiling passenger

- I hate it when you're not in a good mood.... but we could fix that later -

Smirked Lexa suggestively...It had been a while since she had enjoyed a good romp, and Ontari was pretty damn amazing between the she had discovered on multiple occasions due to their FWB type arrangement.

- Forget it, I'm fine as I am, now answer the damn phone or she's going to be real pissed - Snapped Ontari.

Ontari once again stretched out her hand and attempted to pass Lexa the phone.

She was sitting in the back seat, a cheerful and relaxed passenger, while the brunette continued to drive the taxi. Lexa looked at her smiling whilst lightly stroking her hand, taking the phone that Ontari was trying to pass her, causing the driver's lips to curve slightly.

- Hi Anya, yes I've missed you too darling. Oh thanks, yes Heda is fine, just

missing her aunt and the good tuna, and me, I'm missing the good wine, you know ... - Lexa knew she was being an ass, and that it would wind her boss really didn't take much, but she was unable to help herself as she smirked down the phone.

- Stop being an idiot Lexa and get to the important thing, now tell me what happened with the CEO? - Demanded Anya.

- Is everyone having a bad day today, or is it just my sparkling personality affecting people? - Sighed Lexa.

- This isn't a joke Lexa, stop wasting my time. This is work, not some social outing - Replied Anya angrily.

- Okay, calm down director. I'm in, it worked, so keep that pretty smile on your face that you have, and come visit your niece from time to time, I really miss you.

- I never doubted that you wouldn't succeed Lexa, just keep me informed. Ontari will be the contact, you know the drill. Goodbye Lexa - With that, Anya put the phone down, not giving Lexa the chance to respond in any way which frustrated her if she was honest with herself.

- Yes of course, ten four ... bye Anya - Spoke Lexa into what she knew was a now empty line.

Lexa did not understand why Anya sometimes overworked herself so much since she had been given the position of director at work. They had known each other since they were children, were lifelong friends, but since they had started working together, and later, when Anya had received her degree, her friend had changed a lot, and Lexa both resented and loathed the change.

She longed for her old friend, her confidante, their joint adventures and long nights of partying. They had never developed a romantic relationship, since Anya had made it clear to her one day that she only liked men. Lexa hadn't fallen in love with her friend, but in the midst of the typical period of the hormone revolution in adolescence, Lexa wanted to experiment, was in the middle of her discovery as a lesbian, and the trust she had with Anya made her curious about experimenting with her. But Anya wasn't interested in experimenting with her own sex. There were no broken hearts, no friendship destroyed, just acceptance and understanding from both of them, simply remaining best friends.

Lexa looked at the phone, frowning a little before handing it back to Ontari.

-    Take the phone, it's all yours again beautiful.

-    Stop talking to me like that will you? You have this really annoying fucking habit of calling women by these stupid fucking adjectives....'pretty', 'beautiful', 'gorgeous' sound like one of those shitty, horny, macho males who get off on objectifying women. - Argued Ontari.

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