Chapter 6: Strategies of Power

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It had been a week since the "little incident" with the limousine. Lexa hadn't heard from Clarke, but both her watch and new phone had literally died the day after that rainy and strange night. She would not have expected less from the annoyed CEO regarding contact, but she hated to run out of phone battery like that as she had no means to re-charge it, and needed to recover her music playlist. Damn Cruella Griffin!

She did not expect some gigantic miracle, whereby her now apparent former boss may actually apologize, or even want to see her face again, but this was a big operation in which she had screwed up big time and she simply could not afford to give up. That was out of the question, she needed to find a way to mend her stupid mistake, and get back on side with Griffin Cybernetics, as it were.

During these last few days, she had taken the opportunity to disconnect from Miss Griffin and her entire world of glacial arctic. She needed to meet her again though...this intelligent, shrewd, cold and determined agent, capable of carrying out any mission entrusted to her without problems. But she could not deny that Clarke Griffin really was a great challenge to her own personality.

Having shared those crazy 24 hours with the famous CEO had turned her world upside down. It had played with her psychology, her weaknesses, and caused a very inappropriate uprooting behavior. Agent Woods could not understand what kind of charm that woman possessed over her, and it was something that she really needed to work on herself, especially if she wanted to get back on that battlefield in a smarter place of mind.

The damned mistake she had made was that she had underestimated Clarke and her reputation for power over people. Lexa had thought that she would be the exception, that she would be able to handle it to her liking from the first minute of meeting, and that she would not be affected by the "Griffin Effect", but she was wrong. It had affected her far to much for her liking.

She was angry with herself and she was disappointed. She felt somehow that she was not as safe as before, and that was not good. It was not what she was trained and prepared for. This was too important an operation to fail now. She had a career of impeccable successes and jobs. Clarke Griffin was not going to end that clean and exemplary record in her career.

Lexa was determined to return to battle with all the cavalry at a cost and complete her damn mission. She worked a lot in "the factory", a place where she took refuge with modern computer equipment and other advanced technologies. She was an engineer and an expert in cybernetics. She knew all about the tech world where Clarke Griffin was the current queen.

She was well aware of the worldwide rumors that Griffin Cybernetics was working on Artificial Intelligence, on androids and robots that seemed completely human in sight. And Lexa had no doubt that Sofia, the kind lady housekeeper of the mansion , was nothing more than an advanced AI designed by Clarke. She did not expect less, and had to admit that the prototype was amazing . She had noticed it almost immediately, observing it directly through those visual spheres, to the point of detecting a certain non-human anomaly.

There was also a great rumor that Clarke had created very special chips, ones that were adaptable to the human brain . An AI that could be implanted in to human beings, which she could then control to her liking. That's why the FBI was investigating the company, trying to confirm these rumors, and especially trying to find out who wants to sell these chips designed by the CEO. The government suspected that perhaps Griffin Cybernetics was making deals with world terrorist elements. They knew from good sources that approaches had been made with big tempters negotiated to the CEO. If the intel was correct, and Griffin had accepted these offers, that would be a global catastrophe.

At present, different world-wide organizations had met and reached the conclusion that Clarke Griffin should be seriously investigated and spied on so that confirmation could be gained on the creation of these components and their destiny.

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