Chapter 48: Not Today...🔥🔥

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Lexa's pulsations were at the maximum, and her mind tried to control the pain that she felt in her ribs. It wasn't pleasant, but she thought she was doing a good job of concealing the pain from her partner, Agent Danvers.

However, Carol was neither stupid nor lazy, and had realized that Woods was not in an optimal state to go on missions like this. But rather than voice her concerns, she limited herself to driving, and just decided to do what she could to help her when they arrived. The sun was slowly dying in the city of San Francisco, leaving a beautiful sunset on the horizon, over the rough Pacific Ocean.

Lexa made Carol stop a few streets from the building, and asked her to turn off the lights on the Mustang. Agent Woods knew the area very well, there was a particularly dark sector in particular, where groups of criminal gangs, drug addicts, and homeless people gathered, occupying some of the old and abandoned buildings, a mostly manufacturing area.

The place where the signal from the supposed chip that would be in Clarke's brain came from. Was located in an old oil factory, which had been abandoned many years ago. It was a large place, and most likely would be full of Wallace's people, Agent Woods imagined, still silently cursing the intense pain in her ribs.

They climbed out of the Mustang and soon found officers Fisher and Rivers. They decided on a plan to get into the factory, and try to avoid raising the alarm. They didn't know where Clarke was, but they were sure that if gunshots were heard, her life could be in much more danger than it currently was.

The problem for Lexa was that she couldn't make many physical efforts, such as jumping over a wall, or crawling under a fence, but Ontari and Luna decided to do that part, while Carol stayed to the rear with Lexa.

The four agents kept their weapons in hand, and with their flashlights, approached the factory perimeter with the help of Raven. Reyes was able to identify the factory through the private Griffin Cybernetics's satellite. She managing to scan it with an infrared sensor that detected the presence of living beings and their movement. In this way, she was able to inform Lexa exactly how many men were there, where they were, and more importantly, where Clarke was, in a room on the third floor of the old building.

There were a total of 15 men besides Clarke in the area. There were four near the entrance and exit gates, another four walking around the perimeter, and the rest were inside the building, posted on different floors. Two on the ground floor, two on the second and three on the third floor where the CEO was being held. Lexa cursed the adverse situation, there were too many for just the four of them to deal with.

- Damn fucking shit! - Lexa cursed aloud when Raven gave her the information.

- What's up Lexa? - Ontari asked when she saw how Lexa walked from one side to the other, messing with her hair somewhat desperately.

- There are too many. There are 15 guys in there, and Clarke is on the third floor of the building. FUCK THIS FUCKING SHIT! - Lexa was furious, trying to think how the four of them could storm the place without being filled with bullets, something which felt almost impossible to achieve.

- Hey Lex... Calm down... Where is your trust? - Ontari said boasting, while Carol rolled her eyes.

It was clear to Danvers that they wouldn't succeed if they were not aided by the assault team that was ready at the command of Inspector Forrest. Her decision was determined, and without wasting another second she withdrew a little from the group, resting her finger on her right ear where she was communicating with her superior.

- Agent Danvers here, the perimeter is compromised. There are 15 people scattered, and it looks like Griffin is on the third floor of the building. - Carol explained in detail, as Lexa immediately turned to look, not believing what she was hearing. Lexa approached her in two steps, holding her arm tightly.

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