Chapter 47: Welcome to Hell

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Dear readers, I must warning you about some scenes in this chapter of torture, and mention of child abused. It can be a little hard for some sensitive persons, and believe me i tried to be as less as possible, because it wasn't easy for me to wrote that stuff, so i hope it wont be much for you guys. My apologies in advance, but unfortunately is a part of this story, Clarke's terrible childhood and teenager age at the hands of Cage Wallace.
Thanks so much for keep reading, giving me those kudos and comments, and bookmarks!

Clarke was just beginning to pick up sounds in her somewhat dazed ears, when immediately, the huge headache took her completely. She felt her head was going to explode at any moment. But she restrained herself from making any sound of pain, she still didn't know if she was alone, and she didn't want to show whoever had brought her there, that pain would affect her. Then she began to feel the cold all over her body, apparently she was completely naked.

Immediately she felt the icy water run over her back, as if there were an broken pipe. Her body began to tremble as her eyes opened, meeting the horrifying situation in which she found herself in. Clarke was lying on her knees, as if in a fetal position, feeling that her wrists were clamped and her arms stretched back tightly. Her ankles were also tied to what looked like a backless chair or something like that, and around her was a rope attached to her neck that held her wrists and ankles, so if she tried to undo that rope it would fit around her neck, hanging her.

Her eyes grew accustomed to the dim, damp, icy place. She was indeed completely handcuffed, naked, wet, and in a place that looked like a terrifying cold room. Her hair was completely wet, covering her face and dripping water down it. Her teeth began to chatter from the enormous cold she felt throughout her body. She tried to stay calm, because if she lost her nerve, she really would be useless. She was completely immobilized, and that was not a good sign, she told herself.

Suddenly, she felt a metal door open and someone entered. She couldn't turn her head to see who it was, she only managed to see the feet of the person who approached her, and stood in front of her. She needed to visualize the person, so with great effort, whilst trying not to choke herself in the attempt, she raised her head as much as possible, to finally be able to see him.

He was a man whom she didn't recognize. He was somewhat stocky with light brown hair and blue eyes, dressed in a black shirt, blue jeans and sneakers.

What Clarke didn't like was noticing that he was holding a leather whip in his hands, that didn't look good at all, she told herself. But she wouldn't show any sign of fear on her face. Despite the fact that she could barely keep her gaze, since it was difficult for her to raise her head, and even more so to keep it elevated. She supposed it was perhaps the hitman that Wallace had, the one who had tried to kill Lexa.

The man looked at her, his lips curving into a grim smile, waving the whip in his hand, menacingly.

- I see that you woke up bitch... It was about time... Do you like your new accommodation? I imagine it is somewhat uncomfortable, although I really don't fucking care.

- Who the fuck are you motherfucker?! I'm not registering you - Clarke blurted out defiantly, despite her posture.

- That doesn't matter bitch, it's the least you'll remember when I'm done with you and I leave you ready for my boss. - Emerson gripped the handle of the pear-studded, black leather whip, keeping his face elevated for Clarke to look at, trying to be intimidating, but the CEO curled her lips to the side. That didn't intimidate her, she told herself. He wouldn't hurt her, it wasn't his orders.

- Oh... as I thought, just another one of the miserable Wallace rats - Clarke laughed scornfully, making Emerson boil.

Suddenly the leather whip crashed to the ground next to her body, causing her to jump slightly. She scolded herself not to annoy the idiot too much, or she was afraid that that damn whip would end up striking her body, and she really didn't want that.

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