Chapter 31: Knowledge & Trust

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- I don't expect you to understand Lexa, but I can assure you that I will do whatever I have to do in order to see my son standing on his legs again. - Clarke had a hard time telling Lexa this secret, but she knew she needed to do it if she was to be 100% honest with the brunette and trust her.

- Tell me Clarke... I don't promise to understand the procedures of these tests, but I understand the fact that as a mother you will do whatever it takes to restore your child's happiness... just tell me whatever it is that I need to know, so that we can face this in the best possible way, and with the best strategy laid out in front of us. - Lexa tried to instill courage in Clarke, although she really wasn't sure she could handle what the blonde was about to confess regarding these tests. She had a slight suspicion, but she would prefer to finally hear the truth from her girlfriends lips, feeling her heart quite agitated.

- I'm experimenting with the chip in two human beings who both had motor disabilities like my son. I contacted them both without giving many details of the project, just the basics and important information. I offered them the possibility of not only recovering from their injuries, but also to work for me. They accepted under oath not to disclose the secret of the project, or I would remove the chip and judicially sue them. Furthermore, I'm obviously quite sure that the chip will not cause them any mental or bodily harm. - Clarke explained, trying to make Lexa understand that she would not expose the life of another human being in an experiment, if she were not completely sure that it would not cause any harm to the implanted person. She had made sure of it in the last year before doing the implants, carrying out thousands of tests of all kinds.

Lexa was speechless from the information that Clarke had just given. She understood the scientific theory behind placing a chip replacement in the brain, to replace the job of what the damaged neurons could no longer do. But to use people to test the chip, like rats in some bloody laboratory was just going too far in her mind. She was aware that human science in some cases did tests like these to test new medicines, but this was different because Clarke's research was based on purely scientific knowledge, there were no medical knowledge professors involved, and Clarke had not mentioned anyone who worked with her in the medical profession.

- (Clarke smirked sarcastically) I knew that you would react like that, and it is understandable, but I will not justify my actions to you or anyone else. Those people are not at risk, I can assure you, not to mention the fact that they have agreed fully to what I was proposing, and now have a life without disabilities. I'm not using them as if they were simple laboratory rats...

- Clarke... these people may have agreed to be part of your testing, but I don't approve the way you are testing these chips, even if they knew the risks. You cannot possibly know that these chips are completely safe because that chip is still in the trial stage, not to mention that you don't have a trained medical team on hand that can warn you about the risks of planting a chip in the human brain. You only have the Science that is based on your own thinking and tests. We are talking about human beings, not advanced robots.

- No Lexa, I am 100% sure, despite not having professional medical staff to support me in this. You can believe me or not, I don't care right now, but I would never jeopardize the life of a person. I have studied a lot about neurology, almost to the level of a graduate medical professional before starting to experiment, or create this chip. I am able to assure you that it will not cause any harm. But I guess that's not enough for you, because I don't have a fucking medical degree hanging on my wall. Maybe you think like everyone else, that I'm a mad sick power hungry bitch? If that is the case, then I don't believe that this team effort will work.

Clarke stood up immediately and started walking quickly away from Lexa who was still in complete shock, hating herself for not really knowing how to react to everything that she had just been told, but she could not support something like this, it totally went against all her principles. Her reaction took a few seconds, before she jumped up and ran after Clarke who had left the room, clearly very affected by her not very positive reaction.

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