Chapter 7: Affections and Possessions

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Clarke needed to be a little more certain of who Lexa Woods was, as she sensed too much doubt in both the woman and her identity, as well as her true purpose of wanting to be a close employee. "Thank God she didn't always think with her crotch " she thought to herself. She had high intelligence and an extremely alert brain, and although that declaration of devotion and loyalty had been incredible and impressive from Lexa, Clarke has re-watched it with pleasure on her recording on the security camera from her office.

Even with her amazing theatrical performance, Woods had not done enough to convince Clarke, although, to be fair.... she was never convinced of the real purpose that people had in approaching her. She could not stop thinking about the clear factors that Lexa was a very intelligent woman, very capable ; Psychology studies, several languages, and she was also a master of seduction like herself.

Yes, she really wanted to have her by her side, to discover who was behind her or her mask, and enjoy her slow revenge of seductive war. She needed to know for sure all of the angles of Lexa Woods. First she arranged a meeting with her old friend Raven. She had been quite disappointed with the previous report about the new chauffeur..... Incomplete, half way, and how was it that she had not been able to interfere with her bank accounts?.

Raven did not work for her for free or for the love of the friendship that they maintained. Raven's bank account had swelled up a lot since Clarke had hired her services officially with all the papers and she demanded more. Besides being friends, they were boss and employee, and she expected the best from her subordinates, friends or not. Raven Reyes was no exception to the rule.

So Clarke took the trouble to summon her old friend to her office for a good talk, two days after she had had that, MMM.... gradable reunion with Lexa Woods. Once the green-eyed brunette had left her office, Clarke had sent a text message to her secretary telling her that Lexa could keep the devices and the chauffeur uniform for now, until further notice as she needed to be able to communicate with the woman if she finally decided to re - accept her to her close staff.

Now she was there, once again lost with her thoughts. This beautiful and seductive woman seemed to have some kind of stupid spell on her, because she really was finding it very hard to stop thinking about this person and concentrate on her work.

Her greatest pleasure every time was being able to escape to her laboratory to admire the progress of the prototype AI copy that she had made of Lexa, which in truth was more than perfect. But despite being extremely satisfied with the prototype, she really wanted to play with the real thing... the one with flesh and bones, brilliant mind and such vivid and expressive eyes. She needed to continue with this constant sexual tension between the two of them. She had to admit that it had become her new drug ... Damn it!

Clarke did not enjoy having distractions for long periods like Lexa was turning out to be, but her body was engaged in a hard battle with her mind, and it had never happened before in her life. That's why it was very very important to know absolutely everything about sexy Lexa Woods.

Raven Reyes showed up at her office, after her secretary Harper told her she was already there. As always, Raven came in surrounded by enormous energy, showing her white teeth as if she were doing commercials for toothpaste. Clarke always wondered how the hell she did it, how she always had that extraordinary energy and that good humor. She didn't envy her, but it did surprised her.

- Clarkie! Look at you girl! WOW, I didn't recognise this lovely office of yours anymore! You did gave yourself nice presents huh? ...

- RAVEN ! How many times have I told you that I do not like you to call me Clarkie!? We are friends and you can call me Clarke but no ridiculous nicknames, especially at work.

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