Chapter 35: Welcome back dear...🛬😎

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They disembarked the plane as soon as the doors of the Boeing 747 opened in front of them, first in line for first-class passengers. Clarke didn't understand what her wife's haste was, who almost before they announced that they could remove their seat belts, was already standing and looking for the CEO's suitcase in the upper compartment, and then extended her hand for Clarke to get up and follow her.

Silence had gripped both of them, but Lexa tugged on Clarke's hand as soon as that door opened in front of them, and without wasting a second of time, she began to walk briskly. Clarke didn't understand what was happening, but without hesitation she allowed herself to be guided to where her beautiful brunette wanted to go, and was in such a hurry to get there.

Lexa walked with Clarke behind her, who was guided by her wife like a balloon in the air, moving quickly, amongst passers-by who descended from other flights and joined on the same road, that led them all to the area of luggage collection, where they had to retrieve their bags. She had a goal, or rather a certain place where they had to go before leaving that area.

She entered the first toilet that she could find, meeting a couple of women in it, one retouching her makeup, and the other washing her hands. She didn't even look at them but the women did pay attention to the sudden and energetic entrance of the brunette, who was pulling the hand of a blonde, who had a somewhat disconcerted face, but followed her companion at the same rapid pace. Lexa entered one of the bathrooms, and Clarke, although she hesitated a moment, didn't stop without releasing her hand, barely entering the small place.

Lexa closed the bathroom door with the lock, and as soon as Clarke's body had passed inside, she approached her body to fit both of them in the small, confined space.

Without wasting two seconds, Lexa turned them both and took the blonde's face in her hands in silence, but speaking so deeply with her green eyes that they completely shook Clarke's interior. Both melted into a deep kiss, almost without respite, not even breathing. They panted in each other's mouths, letting their tongues dance that endless sensual dance that they already knew so well and performed so well together.

The bathroom was filled with the voices of many women who descended from different flights and were paying a visit to the ladies room, but their minds were very far from there. Their ears were as if silenced, and they could only hear the crazy rhythm of their agitated hearts and their gasps in their mouths, as their bodies came to life and began to move at the same rhythm.

Pleasure and desire grew as the seconds ticked by, soft hands caressing the exposed skin of both. Lexa, without asking permission, lowered her hands to the button that closed the black pinched pants that Clarke wore, unbuttoning them, before zooming in.

Clarke didn't stop her, she wanted her, she needed her as Lexa penetrated her with the intention of making her cum right there. It was absolutely intoxicating, exciting, and risky, both looking like two uncontrollable teenagers in the midst of a hormonal revolution, but neither of them felt that they cared too much. They didn't know when they could be together like this again, because as soon as they crossed that door to the central hall of the arrivals, at the LAX Los Angeles International Airport, they would meet Echo, and everything would return back to their performances, to keep their distance and this damn appearance up. The CEO would have to go back to her authoritarian orders to her chauffeur, who would also have to return to the "Yes Miss Griffin" ruminating anger.

It was not going to be easy for them to maintain that performance, their intense looks gave them away too much. But they had already talked a lot on the flight. Thinking of how to do the best acting roles of their lives if they wanted to discover the whole plot behind Clarke and her company. And especially who the attorney Collins was working with, because they had deduced that the source of many of the deceptions was likely to be found there.

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