Chapter 42: Sweet Revenge

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- What the fuck is that Clarke? - Lexa asked, still looking stunned at the perfect copy of herself behind the illuminated glass.

- I... ermmm... it is an A.I. prototype - Clarke answered, somewhat uncomfortably, continuing with her typing on the computer, as if it were not important.

- Are you telling me that you have made a copy of me and plan to turn it into a prototype like those others that help you? But... the fuck Clarke?! - Lexa could not believe that her wife was behaving so casual, as if she had only made a copy of a photo of her.

- This ... well, is that ...

- I need you to tell me why the fuck did you make a copy of me Clarke? And even more so, what did you plan to use it for? - Lexa demanded to know, now turning her eyes to Clarke who looked somewhat overwhelmed at her concern.

- I had no specific purpose in mind Lexa, I just wanted to create it. It was when you started working for me. - Clarke tried to sound as normal as possible, like that she really had no specific reason for the creation of that copy, other than her fascination with what is today her beautiful wife, who was still looking at her angrily...

- Oh don't tell me... the nice orange juice? - Lexa asked, remembering never again to accept a drink in a house of strangers.

- Ermmm.... Yes. - Clarke felt her cheeks heat up, and didn't want to meet those green eyes of her wife, she couldn't look her in the face.

- And why the hell didn't you tell me earlier? - Lexa didn't understand the reason to hide something like that from her, not after they had both opened up about all their secrets in the last few days.

- Because I had forgotten about her. With everything that was happening, I didn't even remember that I had it in my laboratory, but I can destroy it if you wish. - Finally Clarke raised her eyes to her wife's, trying to seem natural and without problems about the fate of that beautiful prototype. She didn't really care anymore, seeing as she now had the original in a way she never expected when she had made that copy.

- Hmmmm... I'm not going to deny that it is something of the strangest thing that I have ever experienced in my life, to see myself compliant in a robot that seems seriously so real, so human.... It is perfect... and... does it have movements? Does it do something? - Lexa turned her eyes to that copy in front of her, now interested in the functionalities of the prototype.

The agent surprised Clarke a little with her change of interest, now being interested in what she had created, and what her prototype could do. She was somewhat confused by the change of interest, but she like it.

- No, not without the A.I. chip, I haven't implanted it yet. For that I needed to record your voice, your data, different things about your personality, in order to create a memory source on the chip. I haven't had the time to do it. - Clarke explained, now standing up and approaching Lexa and the prototype deactivated in that capsule.

- Seriously, this is like something out of those "Mission Impossible" movies... - Lexa could only comment, looking at every detail of that copy, she was somewhat fascinated indeed. Clarke smirked slightly, noticing the fascination in her wife's eyes, looking at her perfect copy.

- Do you want me to destroy it? Just press the red button, you have it on your right. - Clarke wanted to test that fascination as far as it went.

- No.... I think maybe we can put it to good use.... - Lexa replied immediately, brainstorming some good ideas for that copy of her, especially when she had apparently become someone of interest to a hitman like Emerson, who seemed not to give up.

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