Chapter 9: Surprise me

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Lexa took her place after Clarke sat down, who gestured to her where she should sit. Clarke herself was sat in the most ordinary red chair that the CEO had ever sat on in her life. She really hoped she would not catch anything, or collect an unpleasant odor on her clothes or her beautiful skin.

Lexa looked at her somewhat confused, trying to make sense of the nights events. One thing she was certain of, and that was that Clarke Griffin felt her, and could read her emotions better than she was comfortable with. "From what moment did that happen?" she thought to herself, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, frowning slightly. She was careful not to appear too thoughtful, drawing conclusions in front of the CEO ... "But she certainly did not belong to anyone", and she could not deny that she was very irritated by that statement when it had left the CEO's mouth, but she needed to continue her concentration solely on the objective, the agent repeated to herself like a mantra.

When she looked back up, she instantly met Clarke's intense eyes. The CEO took her hand.... almost making her jump, feeling like an electric shock from the touch of the CEO, who was observing her, obviously noticing her distraction somewhere in her mind.

- Hello Lexa ... Are you here with me or elsewhere? I would prefer that you pay attention to me when you are in my company- spoke Clarke in a gentle, but stern voice.

- Sorry Miss Griffin, excuse me ... it's just that.... I really did not expect to see you here. I'm still somewhat ... surprised.

- Well, what can I say, that stupid woman convinced me to come and have fun here, in this ... foul place ... anyway ... Now tell me Lexa, do you know that Niylah from somewhere else? - Lexa's blood suddenly froze, it seemed that Clarke's eyes were scanning her brain... paying very close attention to her answer. She did not like that, but didn't really have time to ponder why Clarke suspected that Niylah and she knew each other ... Maybe ... just maybe Clarke had witnessed the scene of the altercation that night outside the limo ...?

- No Miss Griffin, I just remember her being with you in the limo the other night, and then she got a little hysterical about my handling and gave me a slap round the face before leaving with her friend. But nothing more ... - Lexa sounded quite convincing and confident in her tone of voice.

- Oh, I'm sure you remember her being with me in that limo Lexa ... well, what a waste of time this was. Go back and have fun Lexa ... the DJ is good here, but the rest is far below my level ... - Clarke added, with a face full of total displeasure.

- Well ... - Lexa wanted to add, but ...

- Yes, I imagine that this place is fine for you. You don't have to feel bad about it Lexa. It is clear that we belong to different social levels, you and me. - Clarke clarified making clear the social differences between the two.

Lexa felt her heart clench, irritated at the assumptions the CEO was making, because Lexa really belonged to a high social level, perhaps even higher than that of Clarke Griffin herself. But obviously the CEO would never know that she belonged to one of those British millionaire families who had crossed the Atlantic from England to America in the early 1900s, and even today the Woodson family fortune was enormous. Lexa was the future heiress, who could spend her entire life vacationing on an island surrounded by servants until she died, if that is what she wished.

Growing up in huge mansions, vacationing in the Pacific islands, the south of France and skiing in the Swiss Alps.... always surrounded by servitude, private teachers and attending private education establishments there in San Francisco....this was where she had spent most of her life.

Alicia Jasmin Woodson was born in Washington DC, on July 20, 1987. When she was six years old, her parents and her little sister Madison had moved to a huge mansion in San Francisco, in search of better weather for her sister's health,  who was three years younger than her and had serious problems with her delicate lungs.

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