Chapter 19: Aloha🌺🏝

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During the flight Lexa and Clarke were devoted to rest. The plane journey to Maui Island, Hawaii took five hours and twenty minutes and both spent most of it with their eyes closed. Lexa especially felt exhausted, dedicating herself to sleeping for a few hours, in which Clarke studied her beautiful features, once again feeling those uncontrollable emotions seep in.

Clarke wanted to wrap her arms around her body, pulling Lexa over to lie against her chest, to feel her warm breath on her skin. She had these weird impulses of wanting to take care of Lexa, to protect her on so many levels, which she still cursed as it was a simple weakness. She had never felt this before, that need to care for and protect someone other than her siblings.

The CEO was devoting a lot of time at present in assessing her relationship with the chauffeur, and all these new sensations that the woman was creating in her whole being. On the one hand, it was good, as she was discovering new aspects of herself that she did not know existed with respect to relating intimately with another person.

On the other hand though, she felt fear and that sometimes she could not handle being around Lexa, especially regarding sexuality. It was as if her power was shared in some way, and she couldn't help but feel irritated. She liked the way Lexa initiated sexual play, subtly seducing her, inviting her to enjoy intimate moments, without exceeding her power or domain. Lexa was subtle, respectful, almost asking permission to touch her, and that she liked. That kept her respect, especially as Lexa was clearly a dominant like her.

At one point, Lexa's head slowly turned toward the shoulder of Clarke, who at the time was looking out the window, lost in her thoughts. Her blue eyes were focused on that mantle of white clouds, and the sun was starting to turn orange-red at the beginning of a beautiful sunset. The blonde immediately looked at the brunette to see what it was she could feel. Upon realising that it was Lexa's head, she could not help but adjust her body to Lexa, putting her arm subtly beneath the body of the woman, causing her head to rest against her large breasts. She smiled to herself, thinking that surely Lexa would not complain at the place where she would find her head once she woke up, and would most likely be surprised.

Clarke remembered how her green and beautiful eyes had been lost more than once in her breasts, as well as the wonderful way that mouth had tasted and touched her. She tried to stop thinking about it when a warm, strong feeling ran through her stomach instantly, and she began to feel the moisture growing in her groin. Her cheeks flushed a little holding the body of Lexa, who was still sleeping peacefully against her breasts.

The feeling was warm and friendly, one that Clarke had not felt before in her entire life. Being led by a rare simple impulse, she placed a kiss on the brown head of Lexa, and another, and one more... Hmmm... those hairs felt so silky, and smelled so good. She brushed them again with just her lips as she inhaled the scent of her shampoo, flooding not only her nostrils, but her whole being. She allowed herself to close her eyes and deeply inhale the fragrance.

Definitely something strange was happening, but she did not want to lose her head to it, she would simply settle down and allow herself to be carried away by the delicious relaxation of the moment. The ear plugs were placed in her ears, and she began to listen to the music of a Danish composer who played guitar, called Jacob Gurevitsch. The magnificent tune "Lovers in Paris" took her away, leaving her feeling completely relaxed.

She did not know at what point she had closed her tired eyes and let sleep take over, but she was enjoying holding her brunette, inhaling her scent, and feeling her breath on her warm chest rising and falling with their leisurely breaths. She would almost say she slept like a baby.

An hour later, Lexa began to wake up slowly and felt the body of Clarke around her, as if somehow protecting her. Her face was resting between those wonders of breasts, and she immediately imagined that paradise would have nothing on how she was feeling right now, her head warm from the breath of the blonde. Was Clarke holding her whilst asleep? Because surely she must have realised how Lexa was positioned? The brunette thought she was dreaming for a moment, that this was too good to be true and she simply did not want to wake up.

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