Chapter 15: Team Work

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The day developed without interruption from either Lexa or Clarke. Both were devoted in 'trying' to concentrate on their work, and avoided eye contact whenever their paths collided. Even Echo noticed the strange silence and indifference between the two women, and assumed that the previous night had not gone to well. If the bodyguard was honest with herself, she didn't really want to think about them or allow her imagination to go down that road of uncomfortable thinking. She would prefer to act blind to it all and stay closed-minded.

But the truth was, that this state of affairs was affecting Clarke's concentration horrifically where her business was concerned. Collins was not to happy about it, and struggled to remember a day where he had seen the CEO so preoccupied in her thoughts. He had also sensed the tension between the CEO and her new chauffeur, she was someone that Finn wanted to eliminate, and fast. The lawyer had noticed the cute brunette with green eyes and a phenomenal body, and was also fast picking up on Clarke's infatuation with her, despite her trying to hide it. He could see that Clarke had been hard hit, as she had lost all interest in him and his sexual advances, and that did not suit him at all.

From Lexa's side of thinking, she made a firm mental decision to retake the reins where this matter was concerned. She was on a very important mission in which she was the central axis and could not afford to fail. She needed to get a firm hold on the strong emotions that were produced whenever she was in the company of Clarke Griffin. She knew that opportunities for fiery moments of sex with each other would keep occuring, but she needed to tuck them under her skin and stop allowing herself to become as affected as she clearly was being.

"When the fuck had she lost her objectivity, and accountability of duty?" Lexa wondered to herself frustratingly.

Lexa was angry with herself. She was acting unprofessional like a rookie, and was getting carried away by the physical moments that she should absolutely not be

sharing with her target. She needed to find a way to nullify her senses, and not having Ontari around to help keep her sexual needs in check was hard, as Lexa hated being dependent on others for anything.

She managed to get through the day fully intact by thinking about the cute Swedish flight attendant that she would be spending the afternoon with, and hopefully the evening, depending on luck! Although Frida seemed to hold back in her actions, Lexa suspected that she would have a good time in her company. Thinking about it helped her not dwell too much on Cruella, who chanced occasional glances at her here and there whilst driving, or when she had opened the door of the limo for her.

She had also noticed that that idiot of a lawyer had tried to get too close to the CEO on a number of occasions, with bold behaviour and kisses that were dangerously close to the lips of Clarke, who simply dodged them. Lexa had heard Clarke asking him to behave, and informing him that she was not in the mood as she turned away from Collins.

His obvious pursuit of the blonde was not going down well with Lexa, who had subtly observed them from time to time. She told herself repeatedly that it didn't matter what they did, but deep down, she did care and she couldn't hide the curve of her lips whenever Clarke pushed the idiot lawyer away from her. The man's face was an absolute poem.

When Clarke and her lawyer arrived at the place where they were to carry out the closure of this important deal, Echo accompanied them as security, whilst Lexa parked the limo in the most secure area available. That morning, Lexa had entered Clarke's suite and had placed a tiny microphone in the portfolio of the CEO that she took everywhere with her. She wanted to make sure she heard what happened at that meeting and what the deal involved.

She also had with her a device that interfered with the components in the Griffin Cybernetics gadgets that Clarke had given her, that is: the wristwatch and phone. Lexa wasn't stupid and knew that the gadgets contained hidden devices that would activate when she wore them recording all her calls and texts most likely.

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