Chapter 12: Be my Date (Part I) 🥂💘

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Clarke had prepared extensively for the occasion, which somehow disturbed her somewhat eccentric mind. She had not yet fully accepted her strange behavior regarding the new chauffeur.

Although Clarke would not fully admit it to herself, she was beginning to have strong internal problems regarding Lexa Woods. There was something powerful about this damn woman that shook her wrought iron walls, causing constant mental debates on how to proceed with her, and how to control them. It was clear to Clarke that Lexa still needed a good education about who gave the orders and that she should serve without being challenging all the time, but it had actually become quite interesting and exciting for the CEO.

But she was struggling to cope with the fact that she was 'off balance' mentally, and she hated it. Clarke Griffin did not like it when her mind became strange and conflicting. She rarely allowed displays of emotions in her personality to rise to the surface and it was causing her headaches. These displays of frustration, jealousy, uncontrolled reactions, she was acting like a stupid hormonal teenager.

She was struggling to comprehend why their shit had transformed the whole damn business trip into a "joyride". She assumed that Lexa had no idea, and of course she had no intention of letting her know her thoughts it was simply unacceptable, and to be honest, she was furious with herself about it.

She had taken her professional makeup artist and her stylist with her to work her hair. She had selected her clothes and shoes in detail, as well as beautiful clothes for her employee to wear. 'She was not romantic' was being repeated like a mantra mentally, thinking about everything she had carefully selected.

She had observed more than once the brunette enjoying both her rose bushes in the mansion, so the CEO was pretty confident that it was her favorite flower. Also knowing what a red rose meant....passion and desire, she ordered the luxurious hotel staff to place the rose, especially selected for her from her garden, next to the Gucci dress and the personal note.

In all her 29 years of life, Clarke Griffin had never had a date, never felt the need to experience one, and was somewhat ignorant of what to do about it, or how to behave in one. But she did not panic, or allow herself to be tempted by the idea of asking for help in that regard. She told herself that she was perfectly capable of organising a "date" , but that word was really playing havoc with her mind because a

"date" was related to something romantic, and she repeatedly told herself that she "was not someone romantic" and did not feel affection for anyone.

Lexa Woods was no exception. She was a woman who simply enthralled her with her beauty and personality, but nothing more. She was also a challenge, someone to conquer, to endorse, educate. So her new employee was just that she told herself.... more than once, while preparing for the unprecedented and strange occasion. She had planned to spend these days in Las Vegas with her new chauffeur and she wanted a special occasion that she would not forget.

She had chosen a Chanel thin black silk blouse, and a black skirt with delicate white flowers prints. The length was quite short, and designed by the same classic French designer, leaving her long and well toned legs in ample sight. She chose to wear high heels of her favorite designer Christian Louboutin.

Her make-up was subtle, highlighting in particular her blue eyes and her lips. Her hair had been collected leaving a few golden curls falling subtly to the sides of her face. It was undoubtedly a very special look, serious but sensual at the same time, and she did not understand why such a large part of her wanted to appear smoking hot to Lexa's eyes. She did not understand where this stupid inner desire was coming from, and although she had tried to remove it, frustratingly, she could not.

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