Epilogue: The Boss & The Chauffeur

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5 years later ...

- Girls... Girls!! Please calm down a little... Alexa, stop bothering your sister! - Lexa ordered, trying to create some order between her four-year-old twin daughters, Alexa and Eliza.

- But Mommy... I haven't started... - Alexa argued, putting on her best face of innocence, which Lexa already knew very well. Her daughter, Alexa, was the double of her mother Clarke, she had definitely inherited all her dirty tricks.

- Alexa... - Lexa asked, looking at her daughter with the eyes of "girl, don't deceive me, I know you well"

- It's true mommy! - reiterated Alexa, pulling faces and gently pulling on the shirt that Lexa was wearing, trying to convince her mother that she was telling the truth, and that she was completely innocent.

- No! It is not...! You started it Alexa! - Eliza stood next to her, pointing at her sister with her thumb.

- Shut up Eliza...! - Alexa shouted at her sister, glaring at her with her green eyes alight.

- Girls...THAT'S ENOUGH! You're giving me a headache...! Both of you, come here and sit down on the sofa. - Lexa ordered, sitting down on the sofa herself, waiting for her obedient daughters to join her on either side.

The girls approached their mother Lexa, with frowning faces, just like their mother Clarke, making Lexa's heart smile, but holding back the laugh from showing on her face, or those two rascals of twin daughters of hers wouldn't take her seriously .

When the girls sat next to her, Lexa took hold of each of the hands of the two little blondes. They both competed with each other as to who could put on the more innocent face in this moment...

Alexa had green eyes like Lexa, and Eliza was blessed with blue like her mom, Clarke. Alexa had inherited more of the blonde CEO's character, and Eliza was somewhat calmer like her mom Lexa. Both girls had inherited their high IQ from their mother Clarke, and thus, even though they were only four years old, they acted like they were much older. They never stopped surprising their mothers, especially Lexa. To Clarke it was a little more natural, and she was proud of her babies, but she knew it wasn't an easy task to raise two smart little brains like hers.

- Why do you always coming after me, Mommy? When is Eliza the one who started it! - Alexa tried to sound dramatic, in order to try and convince her mom of her clear innocence. Lexa had to suppress a laugh again, that daughter of hers could easily win a professional acting role, without a doubt.

- No, it wasn't me Alexa, don't lie.... - Eliza defended herself immediately, finally showing more character. Lexa rolled her eyes, took a deep breath, and slightly squeezed her children's hands.

- ENOUGH I SAID GIRLS! Just try to calm down and get along with each other please. - Lexa asked with much patience and love, looking at them with her intense green eyes, trying to be clear and authoritative.

- Ok Mommy... I... I'm sorry... - The first to apologize, as always, was Eliza, who lowered her gaze somewhat sadly.

- Okay my love... I know you are both only playing, but sometimes you go a little over the limit. - Lexa explained sweetly, touched by the sweet attitude of her daughter Eliza.

- Hmmmm.... - answered Alexa, looking at a fixed point on the wall in front of them all.

- Alexa.... - Lexa said in a calm tone of voice, asked her hard head daughter to ease her anger.

- Yes... okay... I'm sorry Mommy... - Alexa finally spoke, although not very happy to do so, since she still had a frown. Lexa saw a mini Clarke in her all the time, and it touched her soul.

The Boss [English Version] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now