Chapter 50: Queens👸🏼👸🏻 - Part II (FINAL)

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- YOU.... WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ALICIA?! Have you lost your mind?!. My God, follow me to the other room right now! - Becca could only express with shortness of breath, trying to maintain her posture, and not raise her voice too much, while the guests watched the scene closely.

- Not before you greet my wife properly. - Lexa imposed herself, determined that her mother would not disrespect her wife.

Clarke was so inflated with pride for her brunette, that she couldn't fit in that hallway, but she was still holding back her anger. She really didn't want to cause Lexa a problem with her family, but her mother-in-law was a real pain in the ass, and she wanted so badly to tell her a few things...

- Stop saying crazy things Alicia, and come with me... - Lexa's mother insisted, but her daughter didn't plan to give an arm to twist in the contest. If her mother hoped to have a conversation with her, she would first have to give her wife the respect that she was due first.

- Mother, I'm serious, and if you don't want me to leave this celebration immediately, you will greet my wife, Lady Clarke Griffin, properly. - Lexa repeated with intense eyes directed on those of her agitated mother, who no longer knew how to sustain the situation.

- Alicia... no need....

- I wish to say honestly, nice to meet you, Mrs Woodson, but I'm afraid that will be a little difficult seeing how much my presence affect you. Even though, for respect to my dear wife, your daughter Alicia, I preferred to be polite and greet you in my most sincerely way. I'm Clarke Griffin. - Interrupted Clarke suddenly, trying to keep her tone calm but very determined.

The CEO respectfully reached out to Lexa's mother who immediately looked at her more than surprised at the detail, but her eyes simply traveled over that blonde woman from top to bottom, without moving a finger, in complete silence.

Lexa was pissed off even more by her mother's arrogant attitude, when she knew that Clarke was making a superhuman effort not to say a few things more harsh and directly to Becca, and make a scandal in front of the curious guests, who watched the scene as if they were watching a reality show on TV.

- Mother, shake my wife's hand please, and don't raise your voice, or you will not like my reaction... - Lexa threatened without further patience, causing her mother to look at her defiantly, and very very angrily.

Becca looked back at the blonde woman who was still holding out her hand towards her, hoping to prevent her oldest daughter from carrying out her threat, because she knew that Alicia was capable of carrying it out.

- Miss Griffin... if you'll excuse me, I need to speak to my daughter for a moment - Becca asked in a neutral tone, looking directly into the eyes of Clarke, who nodded her head, just as Madi finally intervened in the crazy contest before everything went to shit.

- Clarkie, Ali! You ladies have finally arrived, I was getting bored... Come Clarkie, come with me, so we can catch up. - Madi said, reaching out to take Clarke's arm and immediately, attempting to get her out of the way. She knew very well that when her older sister and mother had a fight, it was better to get out of the way.

- Hello Madi... - Clarke replied, setting her eyes on Madi now, trying to smile at her, but the tension in her body was such that she almost trembled.

- Mother, have your talk with Ali, then we will meet dad in the living room. - Madi said to her mother, who looked at her somewhat surprised, while Lexa rolled her eyes at the impossible situation, but she appreciated the intervention of her sister in removing Clarke from the stupid fight that was coming.

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