Chapter 44: Agent Woods

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Lexa started waking up slowly. She had a horrible headache and was still a little dizzy. Her eyes slowly opened and focused on the vision of a perfect white ceiling. Instantly she felt the straps that held her wrists and ankles securely, and everything came to her mind from when Sofia had held her in such a way that she lost consciousness.

The first thing that came to her mind was cursing herself for being so incredibly stupid, and collaborating in turning on those extreme alarms in Clarke's mind, which she knew well, were very sensitive. Then she cursed her dear wife, because, although she understood her, this ridiculous reaction was very extreme. How could she be mistrusting her to that point of such madness, after they had lived and shared the time they spent together in Hawaii, and without forgetting the small detail of having married?

But she didn't want to blame all of this solely on Clarke, she knew well that her wife needed to work out her panics and mistrust with some deep psychological therapy, and she had not been a good contribution with her stupid fears. Now Raven would also find out her identity, no doubt with the help of Clarke.

She rolled her eyes and snorted at the ceiling, then turned her head to find the sight of none other than Raven Reyes sitting in a laboratory chair, also tied by her wrists and ankles, apparently unconscious.

What the fuck had happened to Clarke? Had she lost her sanity for a fucking moment to the point of mistrusting everyone, seriously? And by the way, where the hell was her wife? Her eyes searched the place immediately, at least by the limitations of what her head could move, and the only one that were present was Sofia, standing next to Raven with a bucket in her hand. It was possible that the brunette had been drugged, like Collins had been, and hoped that maybe when she woke up she would throw up.

A little further, sitting in front of a computer was Clarke's other assistant, the android named ALIE, who was typing something on the computer. Towards the other side, more precisely next to her, was her perfect copy, which she had already called "Lexa 2.O", which was apparently still "sleeping". It was strange to see her, and the fact that she seemed so real, undoubtedly continued to fascinate her. But now was not the time to have moments of fascination with her copy, she wanted to know what the hell was going on. Where the hell was Clarke? How long had it been since she had vanished?

- Sofia, where is Clarke? - Lexa asked without further ado to Sofia.

The android didn't even look at her, she was just waiting for Raven Reyes to wake up. Lexa was quite annoyed at being ignored, but realised that perhaps Clarke had ordered her not to answer her questions, not to speak to her. "SHIT!"

She raised her head as much as she could to see how she was tied to that stretcher, and quickly realized that her chances of getting out of there were simply none, she could barely move. And now her mind was thinking, what the hell was her beloved, but suspicious wife, going to do with her and Raven? The damn chip came to her mind and a horrendous chill ran down her back, "NO, FUCK NO!" Clarke wouldn't do something like that to her, not after what they had shared together. Or had the demons really blown up in her wife? It didn't look good at all.

Meanwhile, outside the mansion, Agent Danvers was almost asleep in her car, stationed a good distance away, from where she could watch the movements of the house. The residential neighborhood was very calm, there were hardly any vehicles on the street, and there were cameras everywhere. It was clear what kind of people lived in the area; billionaire people, powerful people, she smirk, rolling her eyes.

Suddenly, the gate to the mansion opened, and at full speed rushed out the garden company van that she had seen enter only twenty minutes earlier. It caught her attention not only because they were doing a yard job at that hour and late at night, and so soon, but that the speed of leaving that mansion was suspicious.

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