Chapter 8: Dancing on Fire

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- What happened beautiful? Are you okay? - Niylah asked worried, stroking Clarke's arm, returning the CEO back to reality. The touch of that woman bothered her immensely.

- Why should I not be? - Answered Clarke in a very cut and dry manner, still looking at Lexa and that bitch down there, who was following her around like some lap dog.

- Well you just broke a cup with your hand, and you have not even noticed. Let me help, be careful so you don't cut it more than you have already - Niylah said, now taking Clarke's hand and taking the rest of the broken glass from between her fingers, seeing that she already had some damage.

- What...? Oh ... shit ... ! Echo ! - Clarke cursed everyone, Lexa, the bitch at her side, Niylah, and that shabby brothel that she was sat in with its ordinary drinks and champagne. Seeing her hand full of cuts and bleeding, she immediately called Echo who when she saw what had happening turned white, immediately approaching to attend to her.

- Yes Miss Griffin... Christ, are you okay?! Let me help you, my cousin has a medicine cabinet in his office, come with me. - Echo accompanied Clarke... holding her injured hand wrapped in a napkin.

Niylah tried to follow them, but Echo immediately turned around and placed her hand on her chest, stopping her instantly, much to the surprise of the woman who stared at her defiantly. If they had been in other circumstances, she would have slammed her face against the table for sure. Idiot bodyguard, they were all equal and obsessive over their boss, as if they were her most precious toy.

But Niylah could not act like the agent she was and end up in a situation with Echo where her nose would end up needing plastic surgery, so she raised her arms in a sign of surrender, understanding the message perfectly and sat back down again sipping her drink.

Echo took Clarke to her cousin's office, and led her to the poor quality office chair of Roan's. The CEO felt nauseous. In addition to the stomach churning smell of cigarettes, she felt that the office was disgusting, and that the vulgar place was a horror, but she just sat still whilst her attentive bodyguard went in search of the medicine cabinet.

Echo was quite concerned about the cuts, disinfecting each one carefully on the hand of her boss, who only watched how dedicated this woman was in taking care of her. She wasn't only protecting her, she was there kneeling in front of her, extremely concerned about her welfare. The delicacy with which the bodyguard cleaned her wounds, barely brushing her skin with hers. Echo knew well that the CEO did not like or allow being touched without permission, so she made sure to ask first before beginning to attend to her. Echo had nursing knowledge from her mother, learning a lot from her throughout her life.

The cuts were not deep fortunately, but Clarke could still feel the burning from her wounds when Echo used the disinfectant, emitting slight moans, which the bodyguard immediately noticed, looking into the eyes of her boss. Echo was not made of stone, she had had sexual fantasies about the sexy Miss Griffin, but she knew that she was way out of her league, and that the CEO would never look at her that way. But God, she liked to take care of her, to serve her, and to attend to her like she was doing now. The whole package somehow created enormous pleasure for her. And she felt even better noticing that Clarke considered her important by her side, depending on her all the time.

Clarke raised her right eyebrow when she noticed one of those looks from her bodyguard, eyes darkened and full of ... lust ...? . " Oh dear! Did Echo want her? " She never would have imagined it, it surprised her a little, but she liked that she stayed in her place, the employee had never dared to insinuate herself or show her attraction to her, and Clarke was grateful for that .

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