Chapter 27: Because I love you

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- Is that you Ali?- asked a shocked Costia...

- No, sorry I think you've got the wrong person ... - Lexa's heart stopped as she heard the possessive voice of Clarke, who was stood beside Costia, who immediately looked somewhat puzzled at being confronted like that by the CEO.

Lexa simply not only could not believe this crazy situation, but the fact that her two great and only love's of her life had been brought together in this way, was not easy to accept, and unable to say a word, Lexa fell to the sand like a sack of potatoes, saved at the last second, by the arms of Clarke.

The blonde immediately noticed Lexa close her eyes, before her entire body fell, almost in slow motion. She managed to react just in time, and prevented the brunette from falling straight to the ground. Her heart immediately began to beat faster, a little scared to see how Lexa had fainted, not understanding at all as to what was happening.

Costia, meanwhile was in complete shock and watching the scene in disbelief, but immediately caught the attention of her husband, who was nearby watching the competition with two other of their girls. She was nervous about staying with Alicia (Lexa), especially with the blonde woman who had her arms wrapped fully around her, clearly they knew each other well.

Costia quickly realised that this woman knew Alicia as Lexa, the alias used when the brunette was working as an agent of the FBI. Soon, the former lover of Lexa, understood the situation that was unravelling here, and the sudden shock of Alicia (Lexa) bumping into her had caused her to lose consciousness. She no longer felt as scared now that she knew the most likely reason behind the fainting, as when they were teenagers and the brunette was unusually nervous, she often lost consciousness for a short time, but with no major problems. Obviously the blond woman holding her was pretty scared, and was trying to rouse Lexa, not knowing what the problem was.

- LEXA! Come on ... wake up ... Lexa! - Clarke was a little scared, having watched the brunette completely pass out in her arms, unable to react, while the strange woman now crouched beside her and watched.

- Oh dear Ali... I see you still get those fainting episodes when you are in shock... - Commented a much quieter Costia, to the surprise of Clarke, who didn't understand why this woman kept insisting on calling Lexa "Ali" and it was beginning to piss her off greatly.

- Who the hell are you? I have already told you that you have the wrong person... her name is Lexa, not "Ali"

Costia finally had confirmation of the situation, Alicia (Lexa) was on duty with this hysterical woman, who was watching her intensively, as though she were an annoying insect. Costia still cared about her ex, and knew that she needed to cover for her, without going into many details.

- Oh yes, of course, her name is Lexa, but I've always called her "Ali" affectionately. - Costia explained with a slight smile on her face, trying to sound convincing to the penetrating gaze of the woman with insightful blue eyes.

- Lexa! WILL YOU JUST WAKE UP!! - Yelled an irate Clarke again, as she dropped her eyes to Lexa, trying again to revive her, rather than pay attention to this woman, who now dared to take the hand of hbrunette, and began to make circles with her thumb on the palm of Lexa. Clarke's blood began to boil...

"How fucking dare she touch her Lexa like this? Who the hell was this woman?"

- Please try not to worry, she will be fine. When she was a teenager, she did this often when she was nervous. Just give it a few minutes, and she will recover. My name is Costia Walker, it is nice to meet you....

- Griffin, Clarke Griffin ... if .... Lexa ... come on ... wake up now ... Shit! I'll call an ambulance... - Said Clarke, moving her watch to her face, trying to drown out the irritating voice of this damn woman, who seemed intent on not leaving them alone. The CEO just wanted her to disappear from sight.

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