Chapter 37: Mrs. & Mrs. Woods (Part II)

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Clarke refused to give up, and after several attempts of her hitting the chest of Lexa, the brunette finally began to react, coughing and starting to splutter water from her mouth.

Echo's eyes were drawn by the surprise of the desperate actions on the part of her boss to save the chauffeur. At the same time, Clarke's life returned to her body, and a smile appeared on her face. She immediately turned Lexa's trembling body to the side, so that she could finish expelling all that water from her lungs, whilst caressing her wet hair, removing it from her reddened face from the effort of coughing and drawing that amount of water from her body.

That affection and that joy from the boss, whilst holding Lexa's head in her arms, didn't go unnoticed by the wide-open eyes of Echo, who didn't move a hair, standing static next to both of them, trying to assimilate what was going on, somewhat confused and surprised.

She didn't understand why the hell the chauffeur had apparently tried to "commit suicide"?, and why Clarke was there at just the right time and taking so much trouble personally, when she could have called 911. The same with opening that vanity door, the CEO could have called hotel staff to come in with a key and open it, instead of knocking down the door the violent and desperately way the two of them had done.

- Lexa, my God, you scared me! Are you ok? - Lexa was sitting up a little, as she finished coughing up that damn water out of her lungs, very troubled by the effort, she leaned back a little in the arms of her beloved, who had apparently saved her life. But the effect of the drug was still in her system, making it very difficult for her to respond.

- I...

- Lexa...? Lexa, look at me.... What's going on? Did they drug you...? - Clarke could see the clear effect of something in Lexa's distant and very irritated eyes, and her body was limp, struggling to coordinate its movements.

- Shit! Echo, help me, we should take her to her suite immediately.

- Yes Miss Griffin... but... don't you think we should take her to a hospital to be checked out? We don't know what could have happened to her, or what she could have ingested. - Echo's questioning alerted Clarke that the bodyguard perhaps thought that this had been a suicide attempt by Lexa.

Clarke thought for a few seconds about Echo's logical proposal and she was totally right. She didn't know what was happening to Lexa, and she needed an immediate blood test to find out what drug had been given to her.

- Yes Echo, you're right, come on, let's go to the staff exit, I don't want everyone to see her like that, do you understand me? I don't want the press to attack me tomorrow by associating me with personnel who wish to commit suicide. Shit Lexa!

- Very well Miss Griffin. Don't worry, I can carry Lexa, if you walk ahead. We can go underground where the cars are. I can drive the limo and we will take it right away without anyone noticing. - Echo smartly suggested. Clarke was grateful that her efficient bodyguard was not affected in the same way as her by seeing Lexa like this, and that she was thinking far more clearly than what she herself was right now.

- Good idea Echo, come on, let's not waste any more time.

Echo lifted Lexa's body in her arms. The brunette was aware but her eyes could not focus, or could her mouth modulate words. The effect of the drug that bastard had given her with just that prick was strong. She cursed herself internally for having neglected herself in the fight with that hitman. But she was grateful that her wife had mobilized so quickly, coming to her aid.

She had made out Echo's voice and that indicated that it could be a problem, but her mind felt so heavy, dizzy, and almost impossible to process anything, that she simply tried to stay awake, trying to hold her arms to the neck of the person who was carrying her, which seemed to be none other than Echo. She needed to keep her eyes open, she knew that this was vital.

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