Chapter 46: Fighters 🙅🏻‍♀️♾🙅🏼‍♀️

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Clarke was still desperately trying to access her droids, but the communication was practically nil, and she couldn't understand what the hell was going on. This really was not the best time for the system not to work. Every minute that she spent in that filthy cell made her more paranoid. At the same time, she wondered who Niylah and Octavia were working for, or rather who they were waiting for.

The terrible idea of Cage Wallace crossed her mind, but that was impossible. The guy was locked up in a federal prison for life, although he had his external contacts, she had already verified that with that hitman who had tried to kill Lexa. She imagined that Wallace still operated his people from prison, probably paying some settlements with prison people, and some dirty politicians that Clarke knew well were helping him, probably in order to pay of debts.

Her filthy companion, the rat, walked here and there, but she didn't leave the compound, and from time to time Clarke watched her closely, hoping that at no point did she have the idea of approaching her. But luckily, the rodent was not open to that idea. Suddenly, footsteps on the other side of the door indicated that someone was approaching. She sat back down on the bunk immediately.

The door opened, meeting the two damn poker-faced bitches, although Octavia, who was holding a gun in her hand, was a little more nervous and tried not to look her in the eye. Clarke touched her lips at that detail, damn traitor coward, not being able to look her in the eyes, she thought. Niylah brought her a bottle of water and a package that she imagined was something to eat, her stomach letting her know that it was happy, although she refused to eat or drink anything coming from those two bitches, even if she was close to fainting. Clarke more than anyone knew the risks of it well.

- I see that Princess Griffin has woken up... - Niylah said as she threw the bottle of water and the wrapped roll that she imagined was a sandwich, at her.

- Oh, but if it isn't the cowardly bitches that kidnapped me... - Clarke replied sarcastically, looking them up and down as if they were two miserable insects.

- At least we won't let you die from thirst or miserable hunger, you should appreciate that. - Niylah expelled angrily, while Octavia kept her eyes anywhere but on her ex-friend's face.

- Fuck you Niylah! And your damn traitor...? What, don't you have the guts to look me in the face Octavia? What happened? Can't stand the shame? - Clarke stung her, trying to get eye contact, and find out why her damn friend had betrayed her like this.

- Come on Octavia... - Niylah said angrily, turning to the brunette who could not contain her fury anymore, now challenging Niylah and raising her intense eyes towards Clarke

- No! - Octavia replied, taking a step forward. It was an attitude that Niylah didn't like at all, knowing that Clarke was trying to provoke a reaction from Octavia.

- I said let's go now! - Niylah grabbed Octavia's arm tightly to make her react and get out of there before Griffin got her manipulative claws in. Clarke couldn't help but curl her lips, knowing she was getting what she wanted.

- Ohhh but look at you, dominated by a dirty federal bitch. That's beneath you my dear Octavia. I had another idea of you, but just like nearly everyone else, you're pathetic, a perfect falsehood. I'm just wondering what will you get out of all this? Do you think this damn bitch is going to let you take her money? For the ridiculous sum that they are going to ask for my life? Don't forget that she is a professional, and has experience in tricking people and getting rid of them too. And believe me, you are no one special to someone like her.

- And who the hell told you that we're doing this for a fucking ransom? You don't know anything! - Octavia spat, taking another step forward with the gun pointing it at Clarke with her trembling hand.

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