Chapter 39: Lost in emotions

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Minutes later, the brunette drove with her eyes fixed to both, the front to the traffic, and the rearview mirror. She was chewing with rage when she noticed the lawyer's advances towards Clarke, pretending to be worried about her health.

But at the same time she adored her wife for holding him at bay, refusing his attempts to touch her, making the corner of Lexa's lips curl, and Echo glancing at her, knowing exactly the reason.

Upon arrival, there were quite a few media journalists mingling as the famous guests at the event walked the red carpet, many of them having been patients of the famous and successful plastic surgeon, Dr. Abigail Griffin.

Lexa stopped the limousine and got out at the same time as Echo. As was her duties, she approached the back door and opened it to let out the traitorous lawyer first. Collins, as soon as he saw the chauffeur his gesture became tense, his eyes clearly full of pure hatred. Standing in front of Lexa, he pushed her a little with his back, in such a childish gesture, Lexa thought, now waiting for Clarke to also climb out of the limo.

Lexa was so eager to give a good blow to his knees, and watch him fall, scattered on the red carpet in front of all the paparazzis. But Echo's eyes scanned her from the other side, causing her to stop her desires and just breathe, nodding with her head once. Lexa after she answer the same way with her head, she begins to count mentally in her mind. She thanked the presence of that high and good colleague there in front of her. Clarke was right to make Echo part of the team, though Lexa, thankful she finally agreed.

When Clarke left the limo, with no great pleasure, she took the hand of the lawyer who was smiling so false that it sickened her, especially because she knew damn well that it was all for the cameras. From behind Collins, Lexa managed to see the face of her wife which looked so uptight, that it could cut the air. Immediately, Lexa's green eyes sparkling watching her wife nod her head slightly, a sign that she was fine.

At the same time, a wave of flashes fired over the famous CEO, now holding the arm of Collins, beginning to walk down the red carpet. Deep down Clarke wish so much she was walking that red carper with the woman she love, her soulmate, her beautiful wife. She hate the situation and let her love behind, dressing in that chauffeur uniform like a simple employee, while she was making her fake smile for the cameras and to that piss of shit lawyer traitor.

Lexa was lost for a few seconds in that image, the classic image of the famous CEO, beautifully dressed, as well as makeup and perfectly coiffed, and that typical fake smile, posing for thousands of cameras. But beyond that, the brunette hated the fact that her wife was on the arm of another, and nobody less than that damn bastard. She could not stand this pathetic image to print media, her eyes fixed on her wife, loading hate to the point that she could, before moving and closing the door of the limo, and driving the car to the parking lot.

Immediately, Echo stealthily approached her, giving her a little squeeze on the arm, hoping to calm her. Lexa met the gaze of Echo immediately, nodding her head as a sign of a "thank you for bringing me back". The bodyguard replied similarly, lowering her head quickly and then carried on walking behind the boss.

When Lexa sat back in the limo to drive it to the parking lot, she took a few gulps of air at a time, cursing. She could not believe how unprofessional she was acting and for that, she was exasperated. It was not useful to be so stupidly jealous in the situation that she was facing. She needed to calm down, she needed to be trained again, safe, cold and become the very intelligent confidence Agent that she used to be. She needed to stop getting carried away by her uncontrolled emotions, or she could not help her wife in any way.

Meanwhile, inside the room, her wife was facing her own battle of emotions, when passing the door she found herself almost face to face with the woman who gave birth to her. Dr. Abigail Griffin immediately stared into her eyes, unable to react much as she simply couldn't believe that her eldest daughter was standing there in front of her, attending the event.

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