I Have Your Heart - Part 2

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After their argument, Cyrus finds Jonah, Buffy and Andi. Tensions boil and no one knows what to think.

Cyrus knew that he had made a mistake. It wasn't on purpose, he was so pleased to have gone out with TJ that it clouded his judgement. He kept seeing an image of Jonah's face whenever he thought about the argument, and it made his heart hurt.

He knew where to look for his friends, he found them at The Spoon. There was the biggest pit of regret within Cyrus, and he wanted to put it right.

Cyrus: Um hey...

Jonah: Did someone say something?

Andi: No, you must be hallucinating.

Cyrus: Guys... please.

Buffy: It sounds like someone is trying to speak. Probably nothing though.

Cyrus: Please talk to me, don't ignore me! *sobs lightly*.

As much as he didn't want to, Jonah felt obliged to acknowledge Cyrus. It was the most uneasy feeling for everyone, and they knew it wouldn't be a simple fix.

Jonah: What do you want Cyrus Goodman?!

Cyrus: J-Jonah Beck...

Jonah: Don't call me that! And don't just think that crying will make me forgive you!

Andi: We really thought you were better than that.

Buffy: What happened?

Cyrus: I guess I was so happy with TJ, that I forgot about everything.

Jonah: That's right, blame TJ. You're completely innocent *note the sarcasm*.

Cyrus: I made a mistake and I'm so sorry! Jonah I want you to at least know something. The girls will confirm what I'm saying is face.

Jonah: And what would that be?

Cyrus: I really like you Jonah. Y-you're the most amazing person in the world.

Cyrus was really trying his hardest to win his friends over. He genuinely hated what had happened and wished he could change it.

Jonah: I bet you told TJ that too! And more to the point, if that's how you felt, why didn't you tell me?

Cyrus: I never said that to TJ, he's nothing like you.

Jonah: That's obvious! I genuinely cared about you.

Cyrus: I know, and I should've trusted you over TJ.

Andi: I think you're too late.

Buffy: What happened anyway? Did TJ dump you?

Cyrus: Yes! You were right Jonah!

Jonah: That's a first, isn't it?

Jonah was pretty much on fire in the argument. He had never spoken with such passion or bitterness.

Cyrus: What am I going to do?

Jonah: What does it matter? You can work it out for yourself.

Cyrus: But!--

Jonah: Come on, we're leaving! Oh and by the way, I used to love you too, but I don't know anymore!

The girls followed Jonah out of the Spoon, which left Cyrus alone. Jonah subconsciously looked back at Cyrus, and sighed. Cyrus tried to follow them, but was stopped by TJ.

Cyrus: Haven't you done enough damage?

TJ: So you lost your friends? Boo-hoo for you! What a loser!

Cyrus: Stop it, you ruined my relationship with three really great people.

TJ: That's not my problem. When you think you're better than me, you pay the price.

Meanwhile, the one problem Jonah had, was that he had always found it difficult to be mad with Cyrus. He knew that Cyrus probably meant his apology, but he had been in so much pain that Cyrus wouldn't believe him first.

However, he had heard the conversation between TJ and Cyrus in the distance, and it did confirm that TJ was bullying him too. Jonah fought his better judgement, and walked back to where TJ and Cyrus were.

Jonah: Back off TJ!

TJ: Oh, you still love him? You are still a big loser!

Jonah: You've got two options, you can leave now, or I can make you leave.

TJ: I'm outta here! Enjoy your boyfriend won't you?

TJ gave one last smirk before he left the boys alone. Andi and Buffy had seen Jonah wasn't with them and joined Cyrus and Jonah.

Cyrus: Why did you do that?

Jonah: It's funny what true love makes people do.

Cyrus: I... Jonah.

Jonah: Make no mistake, I'm still furious.

Cyrus: Please, I just want us to be friends.

Jonah: That's nice, but I don't think I can agree yet.

Andi: Give us time, it'll probably work itself out.

Buffy: But you have to learn that friends are forever, not just when you feel like it.

Cyrus felt like his world was self destructing. He crouched down on the ground and began crying without control.

Cyrus: I need you guys! I need you Jonah!

Jonah: Um...

At this point Jonah started to hesitate. Part of him wanted to let Cyrus suffer, but another part of him wanted to pick Cyrus up and hug him. He debated it for a few moments, before making his choice.

Jonah crouched down beside Cyrus, and slowly put a hand on his shoulder. Cyrus looked Jonah in the eyes, and this prompted Jonah to start crying too.

Jonah: Cyrus, stop.

Cyrus: What's the point? I lost my best friends! And my only real chance of being with the most amazing guy on the planet!

Jonah: Cyrus Goodman! Pull yourself together!

Cyrus: Okay J-Jonah Beck.

That made Jonah think about how they first met. He remembered how nervous Cyrus was, similar to how he was at the current point in time. That was enough for Jonah to wrap his arms entirely around Cyrus.

Jonah: Look, I'll forgive you, on one condition.

Cyrus: N-name it.

Jonah: You must trust me, but I have to say I'm not sure if I can trust you right now.

Cyrus: You've got it.

Jonah: Okay... friends?

Cyrus: Friends.

Cyrus and Jonah held each other for a while, with the girls looking on. They still needed to be convinced, but seeing how Cyrus was acting, they knew it would be possible.

So this one was an emotional roller coaster.

I may do Part 3, I've not decided yet.

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