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"You want him to do what?!" I practically shouted in shock. Shelby sighed bringing her hand to her temple. Jesse's arm tightened around my waist, bringing me closer to him. He bent down to my ear.

"Calm down Danielle." He whispered. i nodded subtly, now feeling tense around Shelby. We both looked back up at her seeing her standing tall.

"So... Will you do it?" She asked. I could hear the nervousness mixed with desperation in her voice. Jesse nodded curtly.

"I'll do it." He said firmly. I could tell he wasn't trying to look at me while I looked at him silently fuming. I understood she was his coach and all but to pretend we didn't love each other let alone knew each other felt beyond absurd. I looked back to see Shelby smiling nervously at the both of us. She smiled at Jesse gratefully.

"Thank you. Really, thank you... both so much." She finished and walked off. Jesse wound both arms around my waist in attempts to calm down my burning anger. I wouldn't admit it but it was slightly working.

"Why would you say yes Jesse?!" I ask not trying very hard to get out of his grasp. He still bought the act and held onto me tighter, resting his forehead on mine.

"She's just trying to reunite with her daughter Dani." He said. This time I did break free from his arms.

"But to do it in such a way... Pretending to fall for her. Pretending we don't even know each other?!" I flung my arms around trying to express my frustration. Jesse looked at me waiting for me to finish. Suddenly becoming shy I looked down at my feet.

"You'll have to; kiss her, touch her, flirt with her. What if you fall for her?" Jesse lifted my chin to look in my eyes.

"You know your my girl Dani." His eyes flickered down to my lips. He slowly started to lean in and just as i though he was going to kiss me, he pushed away and held his arms out.

"Plus! It's great acting practice! If we're gonna be famous one day we need as much practice as we can get." His reasoning became very convincing. I rolled my eyes and banged my head against his chest, our arms folding around each other automatically.

"Alright." I mumbled. I could imagine the smile currently gracing his features. He pulled away from me and quickly kisses your lips. He walked backwards out of the auditorium so he could still look at me.

"I gotta go transfer." He smirked. You laughed as he yelled out to you practically out of the auditorium.

"See you at school baby!"

Without Jesse around the whole aspect of this being ok was lessening by the minute but I cared about Shelby and everyone deserves a mother. If this brought Rachel and Shelby together it was worth it, right?

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now