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Tina, Mercedes, Santana, Sugar, and I were hanging by some lockers when Brittany walked up to us.

"You guys, I just went to my first student council meeting, and I found out that we have another prom this year. So as president, I need to come up with a theme. And I'm thinking, if we do alien abductions, we could set up cornfields and probing booths." Brittany explains. We all stop and watch Coach Beiste walk by with a black eye.

"Aw, Hell. Looks like Mr. Beiste went all Chris brown on Mrs. Beiste- what happened Coach, cooter put a smack-down on you cause you wouldn't let him be on top?" Santana says. We all laugh.

"What did you just say?" The new swimming coach asks.

"Nothing. It was a joke." Santana tells her.

"So, men hitting woman is funny to you?" She asks.

"Oh please, we obviously don't think Beiste was hit by anybody. I mean, look at her, she's a wall." Santana reasons.

"If cooter did hit her, he would probably get hurt doing it." I add.

"Let me tell you something. I'm coach Roz Washington. I'm an Olympic champion and I do not suffer fools! Especially fools who think domestic violence is funny." Roz starts.

"And I don't want to suffer fools who think a bronze medal makes you a champion." I scoff. She narrows her eyes at me.

"I want your names. Shannon! Write these names down as placeholders. Hatrack (Brittany), Asian Horror Movie (Tina), Lil Oprah (Mercedes), Hood Rat (me?), Rojo Caliente (Sugar), and Salsa Caliente (Santana). You're on my list now girls. You just watch what happens next." Roz sashays away from us. Some of the girls look worried, I'm not.

Blaine and I clap after Kurt finished showing us his song he's going to sign for his audition. A song from phantom of the opera. He even has a whole stage theme and everything, with Tina to help play the girl and Artie as a fog machine. Blaine even stood up so I just followed his lead.

"Fantastic! I loved it." Blaine complimented. I nod.

"It was beautiful Kurt." I add. Kurt sighs and takes off his phantom of the opera mask.

"I don't know. My entire future is riding on this audition. It has to be perfect. What if I sequin my cape? Or if I sing it in German? Or if I did it in the nude?" Kurt fires question after question. I laugh.

"What?" Blaine scoffs.

"I'm serious. I've always been ahead of the curve, and my audition needs to show that. And right now it's-it's too safe, too predictable, it's boring- I'm bored!" Kurt shouts.

"I think you're overthinking it." Blaine says.

"I know you're overthinking it." I tell him.

"Excuse me, my foot fell asleep. I can't feel it at all. Can I walk it off?" Tina asks.

"Yeah, sure, just don't go to far. And thanks." Kurt waves her off. Kurt looks at me.

"What song are you doing?" He asks me. I look down at my feet as I start to shuffle them.

"Emotions... by Mariah Carey." I say quietly. They both gasp.

"You're going to attempt whistle-singing?!" Blaine asks as if I'm crazy.

"Can you do it?" Kurt asks seriously. I shrug shyly.

"I've done it... once or twice." I say. I look up to see both boys are nervous.

"Look, if I do this and succeed, it will guarantee my spot at NYADA and if I don't succeed, the rest of the song is good enough that hopefully it will impress the teacher enough." I tell them. They hesitantly nod. Kurt's eyes trail off.

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now