We Built This Glee Club

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So here's what you missed on glee: Sue got fired from McKinley, so now she's at Carmel high coaching vocal adrenaline. Dalton academy burnt down, and all the warblers came to McKinley, which is good because the new directions didn't have enough kids and if they don't win, the glee clubs over, but it might be anyway because Rachel got accepted back at NYADA and got offered a role on broadway. And that's what you missed on glee!

"I don't care what the body's doing. Just make sure the facce is doing something special. A fix, six, seven, eight." Mr. Shue started as we watched what he had come up with.

"Show it. Hide it. Hit your friend. Hit your friend. Grab the jelly..." everyone spoke the moves.

"Good, you guys. Remember, show faces." Rachel told them.

"Make a sandwich, throw it down. Stay at home, stay at home. Leave your home, seven, eight. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Mother, may I point to you?" They finished, all saying the moves.

"All right, not bad, guys!" Mr. Shue complimented.

"Yay! That was so good, you guys!" Rachel squealed.

"Let's take five." Mr. Shue suggested.

"No, no, no. Let's not take five." A warbler said.

"Excuse me." Rachel asked.

"My feet are like an outtake from black swan, but you don't hear me complaining... because my fellow warblers and I understand the stakes involved. May I remind you that if we don't win sectionals, glee club no longer exists. Do you think Sue Sylvester is giving vocal adrenaline a five-minute break? No. This weekend, I saw them walking on hot coals." Another warbler said.

"We suck!" The warbler from earlier said.

"Okay, you suck!" Myron the new 13 year old in our glee club yelled back.

"Take a nap, Nickelodeon." A different warbler said. I stifle a laugh, looking away and hoping no one noticed. But I wouldn't have to worry as our two glee clubs start heading to each other, an arguing mess.

"Come on, guys. Everyone's improving very nicely. This is not the time to panic." Kurt says affectingly calming them down.

"But it is the time to be pragmatic. With all due respect to our well-meaning teachers, there is a zero chance of beating vocal adrenaline with rudimentary moves like 'mother, may I point to you'?" The head warbler said.

"I love that move." Madison said, a fire raging beneath her eyes.

"It's awesome." Mason backed her up. Gotta love the twins.

"Thank you." Mr. Shue said.

"'Moreover, the warblers and I recently had a little sidebar, and we believe it's time for a frank discussion about who should be featured up front. And who should be... hidden in the back." The head warbler continued.

"No. The only three girls in this group are not moving to the back." Jane said strongly.

"Nope." Madison said.

"Uh-Uh." Kitty said.

"Oh, no, no, no. I wasn't talking about the girls. I was talking about..." the head warbler trailed off.

"Just say it, skyler. The dead weight." The warbler who saw vocal adrenaline said.

"Look, we all know that some of us aren't as physically fit as others, but give Roderick some time. He's got a killer voice and he's a quick learner. I guarantee he can get the dance moves, dude." Spencer told them.

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