The Break-up

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The next morning Kurt and I wake up before anyone else. We start making breakfast/Lunch. Rachel walks in not long after.

"Hey." She says.

"Somebody slept late. It's lunchtime. Do you want a croque madame?" Kurt asks.

"We didn't go to bed till late." Rachel says quietly. I wince.

"I do not want to hear about your sexcapades." I tell her, disgusted.

"Thank god for earplugs. I love you both but I don't want to hear any of that." Kurt says awkwardly. Rachel steps closer to us.

"We didn't do anything. He didn't even talk to me, we just, like, laid there." Rachel explained. Kurt and I saw Finn walk in before Rachel did. I was the only one to greet him with a smile. Sensing the tension, I nudged Kurt and grabbed the food he made me. Kurt smiled.

"We're gonna take this down to the park and watch drug deals go down. It's good to see you again, Finn." Kurt said as we started to walk out the door.

"You too, little brother." Finn replied. I stopped. I turned around and hugged him tightly.

"Bye." I whispered. He ruffled my hair as I stepped away.

"Bye Dani." He said. I walked out with Kurt and as soon as we hit the sidewalk I let out a deep breath.

"I feel that." Kurt muttered. We get to the park and find a secluded park bench, hoping no one comes up to us.

"So how are you and Jesse doing? Has he messed up yet?" Kurt asks with a certain look. I smirk.

"Are you hoping he messes up?" I ask. Kurt scoffs and then becomes silent for a minute.

"Okay, so maybe I dream about it... but you deserve better! Jesses broken your heart not only once but twice." Kurt points out. I take a big bite of my food.

"Well We was in college the first time and it was a mutual decision and the second time was when he tired to kiss me then continue to tell me he was there for a different girl... the second time, I see it. The first time was nothing." I try and brush it off. Kurt flings around his food on a fork.

"Whatever. I'll be there for you, the day he messes up, which you know he will." Kurt says. I don't bother replying. My nerves are enough, i don't need Kurt adding to them. Kurt scoffs which turns into a kind of laugh.

"Maybe Finn can beat him up when it happens." Kurt muses. I laugh at the thought.

The next morning I get ready and wait for Rachel. I furrow my brows in confusion when Rachel walks out of her room, Finn hot on her tail.

"What's happening?" I ask warily. Rachel smiles.

"Finns coming to me with my classes! He might be joining NYADA soon." She says in a sing song voice. I nod in uncertainty and we all walk out of the door to catch our train.

All throughout the day, whenever I have a class with Rachel I glance over at a confused and deep in thought Finn. It's weird having him here, NYADA just doesn't really seem like the place for him. But I'll enjoy all the time I have with him.

After school we're all at the apartment and I walk out dressed up, walking into a conversation I guess.

"Dude, I'm not wearing a suit for a night out on the town. I didn't even bring a suite." Finn laughs. I laugh, sitting down on the chair.

"Finn, you can't wear dad jeans and a rugby shirt to callbacks." Kurt scolds.

"What's callbacks?" Finn asks.

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now