Mash Up

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Here's what you missed on glee: Quinn and pick want their baby back, but then puck kissed Shelby, so now he doesn't know what side he's on. Santana and Brittany have a secret thing going and they quit the glee club with Mercedes to join the trouble tones. Sue and Burt are mad at each other because they're both running for Congress. And Kurt and Rachel and Brittany are all mad at each other because they're all running for senior class president. Everyone's mad at each other, it's crazy. And that's what you missed on Glee.

That day we listen to Noah sing 'hot for teacher'. The performance is amazing but... knowing Noah I'm definitely wary of the song meaning. When they finished we clapped for them.

"Wow! Puck, guys, spectacular! What a way to start off this week! You guys didn't even need an assignment to work on this. You just did it." Mr. Shue praised them.

"Mr. Schuester, while the performance was excellent- particularly the drumming- don't you think that the subject matter is a little inappropriate?" Rachel asks. I hate that Rachel and I were on the same thought process. Even if it's just for a second...

"Well, that depends on what pucks intent was when he chose this song." Mr. Shue asked in a way. Noah's eyes trailed off and I peered over the other glee kids trying to see, but I couldn't see.

"I guess I just, Uh, dig Van Halen." Noah said with a smile.

"All right! Rock on!" Mr. Shue says. We all clap again and I notice Finn looking over to where I was trying to though he had a better angle then I did.

After school I go to my second home: the Hudson and now Hummel home. When it's time for Sues corner, we all go to the living room and watch.

"Bury Hummel- he's running for Congress. Last year, he had a heart attack. He might have had a heart transplant. And he might have got it from a baboon. Baboons are dangerous killers who throw their own feces when they're not tearing off people's faces or admiring their own weird butts. Congress is bad enough. If Burt Hummel thinks what Washington needs is more baboon parts, then he needs a brain transplant. Watch out, baboons. Burt Hummel and his baboon heart. Wrong on the issues, wrong for Ohio. I'm Sue Sylvester. I have a human heart, and I approve this message." The commercial finishes.

"...oh... my... god." Is all I can say.

The next day at school, Kurt and I bust into Sues office.

"What your doing is appalling. Do you know 20% of all voters think my dad actually has baboon heart." Kurt yells.

"It's not personal, porcelain, it's politics. And politics are all about playing dirty. You should know. Your squeaky clean campaign for class president is getting a good ol' fashioned country shellackin'." Then Sue explained how Brittany was playing dirty, making promises she can't keep and saying Rachel's still on my space... I couldn't be sure but Rachel most likely is and I had to be apart of Brittany's campaign some how. I like to help.

"That's ridiculous. Brittany's making promises she can't deliver on. It's lying! And no one is even on MySpace, not even Rachel!" Kurt argues.

"Are you sure? Because I mea-"

"It doesn't matter. Brittany's got their attention. And you're playing all nice, campaigning for a salad bar in the cafeteria. It's boring, it's tired, it's not going to get you elected." Sue interrupts me.

"Well obesity is a huge problem at this school." Kurt says.

"Especially in the glee club. Have a seat, yasser, Morgan [we sit]. You know why I fight dirty? Because I'm fighting for something. I have a cause, several actually. I hate the arts... and a bunch of other stuff. If you want to win, find yourself a cause, my friend. Then start slinging poo. Winning is really about flinging poo." Sue finishes explaining.

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