I Do

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Kurt, Santana, Rachel, and I are back in Lima for Mr. Shue's wedding and I couldn't be more excited. Like always Jesse was there to greet me off of the plane and as always the encounter with Rachel and especially Kurt is awkward as hell. Santana didn't really care.

It's the day of the wedding. Santana, Quinn, and I sit down in one of the pews. I decided not to make Jesse my date as not everyone in the glee club likes him. Or Mr. Shue for that matter. I thought I would spare everyone the awkwardness.

"Its a carrot top convention." Santana complains as I eye all the gingers in the room. Geez. I watch as Santana makes eye contact with Brittany and Sam who smile and wave at her. I grab Santana's hand after she waves back.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. She shrugs.

"I am so over this, and it hasn't even started yet. I'm clearly the hottest bitch in this lousy joint, but I'm all alone stuck here sitting with you two." Santana continues to complain. Quinn and I sigh.

"Do you want me to slap you again?" Quinn asks as she hands Santana the small mirror. I scoff.

"Please, stop talking about that. It wasn't even that good of a slap." I whine.

"I hate weddings, and I hate Valentine's Day. They were invented by breeders to sell cheap chocolate and false hope." Santana says. I watch as an old man tries to flirt with Quinn. I stifle a laugh.

"Do you know what I hate? Men. Every single one of them is a pig, except maybe Mr. Shue and Al Roker." Quinn starts complaining. Santana hands me the mirror and I quickly check my makeup. Touching up some places.

"Awe, did professor patches croak or something?" I chuckle. Quinn scowls at me.

"And you know what? You were right. I do let men define me, but not anymore. Like Gloria Steinem said, 'a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle'." Quinn admits. I hand Santana the mirror and Santana hands it to Quinn.

"Al Roker is disgusting by the way." Santana comments. Quinn scoffs.

"Whatever." She says, leaning back in the pew. I hug all the former and current glee kids that pass me. Mr. Shue comes over and I hug him saying 'congratulations' and he goes back to stand at the alter. Mercedes starts singing before the wedding starts, per request of Mr. Shue. Finally the official wedding ceremony starts and the bridal chorus begins to play. We all look to the back, watching Becky Jackson angrily throwing flowers everywhere. Santana pulls a petal out of my hair laughing.

Suddenly Sue walks in wearing Emma's wedding dress and I think everyone gasps. Sue laughs and starts walking down the aisle. I groan.

"Oh, yeah. Nice to see you all... Hey, what do you think? Nice, huh? Thank you for coming. Oh, look, the glee kids." Sue chuckles as she walks down the aisle. Brittany even takes a picture of her.

Soon it's announced that the wedding is off and that Emma's left the building. People are wondering what's going to happen with the reception and Santana and I are ultimately picked to go and ask Mr. Shue. We walk up the aisle to Finn and Mr. Shue. Santana coughs to get their attention.

"We have been chosen, probably because we are both numb to other people's feelings, to come here and ask what you would like to do, Mr. Shue." Santana says.

"About what?" He asks.

"Uh, about the reception. Emma's parents say they paid for the whole thing, so... we might as well go ahead and have the party." I inform him.

"If you ask me, they seem pretty happy about what happened." Santana added.

"We cant have a reception now." Finn says.

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