The Hurt Locker: Pt. 2

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... The curtain closes as vocal adrenaline walks off and sue walks back on. 

"Vocal adrenaline, everybody. Absolutely breathtaking, huh? I am here to inform all three teams that I, Sue Sylvester, will be judging this years mckinley high show choir invitational." She announces.

"What? That's crazy." Mr. Shue says, standing up.

"I run this school now. My school, my rules. And speaking of rules, I would like to outline the rules for this years invitationals." Sue says taking out a scroll type of paper.

"Wait, Sue, you cant change the rules after one team has already performed." Shue argues.

"Sure I can. Rule number one: this years theme is 'old school'. Rule number two: there are no more rules. The dalton academy warblers will perform tomorrow, and the new directions will perform the following day." Sue announces to us.

"Wait, this is a three-day competition?" One warbler asks.

"Where will we sleep?" Another one asks.

"I imagine you two will sleep inside one another [i snort, laughing into my hand]. I've chosen to extend the invitational in an effort to give the new directions enough time to come up with the requisite 12 members, which is the only show choir room anyone remembers and yet every year is surprised by." Sue explains.

"This is insane. We should all boycott." Kurt yells.

"No, no, no, porcelain. This is happening. Each team will perform at this invitational. Even if one show choirs co-director is kidnapped and held against his will, causing him to miss the performance." Sue finishes, having a creepy stare down with Kurt before walking off, dragging the mic with her. Mr. Shue goes to leave and Rachel and I chase after him.

"Mr. Schuester." Rachel calls out.

"Yes?" He asks stopping as we catch up to him.

"We had a deal that you would have vocal adrenaline perform at a subpar level, and you dishonored that agreement." Rachel accuses.

"I never agreed to that." Shue said.

"Bull crap." I whisper-yell. He looks between the two of us.

"I guess you'll just have to beat us on your own terms." Mr. Shue says walking away.

"You know what? We're just gonna find a way to win on our own terms... which is exactly what you just said." Rachel fires back.

"Yeah, that was really bad." I tell her. Kurt walks up to us.

"Wow, we have our work cut out for us. Vocal adrenaline was amazing." Kurt says.

"We have two days. We have to recruit more members and put together some sort of performance that doesn't totally humiliate us as a team." Rachel explains.

"Uh, I have an idea that you and especially Dani, are not gonna like, but you both need to consider... We need to recruit kitty." Kurt says hesitantly.

"I would rather claw my vocal cords out and never be able to sing again." I say plainly.

"No, Kurt! No!" Rachel also protests.

"Guys, come on. She's talent. She's a senior." Kurt goes on.

"Talented is kind of a stretch. Maybe available is the right word to use." I decide.

"Kurt, she hates me." Rachel adds.

"You don't know that." Kurt says quickly.

"No, I do. All of those kids do, Okay? I was so intent on being a broadway star that I never even learned her name, or any of their names. There was... there was pucks brother." Rachel started.

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