Almost one year anniversary!

3.3K 29 13

Hello, you beautiful amazing people!

First off, I would just like to thank everyone for over 100k!!!! That is so amazing I can't even explain how great that is. I wasn't expecting anyone besides my cousin to read it and all your comments and votes and reads and everything mean so much! They always make me smile!

I also can't believe that burnin up reached 100k in less than a year. I posted this April 20th at 11:30 pm. I waited until midnight and told my cousin I posted her book. It's just... so unbelievably amazing of you guys. Thank you all, so much.

Now, even after a year, my cousin is still crazy in love with Jonathan Groff aka Jesse St. James. So I agreed, to write her another Jesse fan fiction for her birthday 🥳🥳 🎉🎉🎉. The release date is obviously her birthday, 4/21. It's called "Balancing Love".

The story is about Madelaine Rivers, a born dance prodigy. She meets Jesse while he goes to college at UCLA. Though she is a junior like Rachel and the Main cast of glee. So that's fun! There's a ton of drama pretty early on in the book, and it's gets more and more exciting as the book goes on. The book will consist of a few episodes from late season 2, a lot of seasons 4 & 5, then a couple of episodes from season 6. The rest of the book are chapters written purely by myself. I'm pretty excited about it and I've been working on it for awhile now. I hope you guys will stay connected to my profile and keep a look out for the book. It would mean a ton if you guys could check it out when it releases.

 It would mean a ton if you guys could check it out when it releases

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This is the cover ^^^ so keep a look out ;)).

Also, if you guys loved Noah and Dani's relationship as much as I did throughout the book, I'm also going to be writing a Noah fan fiction. It's going to be called "Another Life." It's Dani's story but in a different universe— or "life"— as her current one. A universe where Noah could be the one she ends up with. Though it is going to start off from after they graduate high school and so on. So initially Jesse and Artie will still have happened, though Noah as a new romantic interest, new drama and so on will be added. I do have a lot of fics in my Queue to write so I don't know when it's going to be up, I wanted to give the announcement on this post anyway.

Again, thank you guys for everything! I hope you all stay safe and enjoy all the reading (and writing) you'll be able to do now!

UPDATE!: 4/21/20 @ 12:31AM and the fic is up! It's balancing love and the cover pic is still the same. Can just click on my profile and find it pretty quickly. I worked rlly hard on it. I put a lot of time and effort and motivation into this. I hope you guys aren't disappointed and enjoy the book. Phew! Thank you!!! For all the reads, votes, and comments. Every single one makes me so happy.

This might become an every year thing. For my cousin of course but also for you guys who are also enjoying and reading the stories. As long as I can think up plots and different scenarios, we're all good to go. ;)

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now