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So here's what you missed on Glee: Kurt's still getting harassed and doesn't know what to do about it. Finn and Kurt got mad at each other because Kurt had a crush on Finn, and then Finn called him a nasty name. But it also wasn't cool that Kurt couldn't take a hint, and their parents are dating so it's a little awkward. Sam and Quinn are sorta dating, and Sue sorta dated Rod Remington but then she caught him cheating, so she's back on the market, and thats what you missed on Glee!

Shortly after I walk into school I'm bombarded by Finn. Seeing his blank face I walk him into an abandoned class room.

"What's going on Finn?" I ask with concern. I've known Finn since we were little kids and I knew that face.

"My moms getting married. To Kurt's dad." He says staring off into space. I gasp and accidentally let a squeal leave my lips.

"Ah! Mama Hudson is getting married?! Oh my god! How dare she not tell me." I narrow my eyes my mood like a roller coaster. I look at Finns face.

"You're acting this way... because of your dad right?" I ask him quietly. I notice Finns chest rising and falling increasingly fast.

"Hey, hey, come here." I hug him, trying to calm him down like I haven't had to do in years.

"It's going to be okay Finn. You can be happy for your mom. That's what matters right now, your moms happiness." I say soothingly. Finns hugging me back until his chest finally stopped rising at an alarming rate and we soon walk out of the classroom without another word said.

Later Rachel had corralled us into the empty choir room.

"Ladies, the Kurt-Karofsky bullying situation Is getting way out of control. Kurt miserable, he's losing weight- and not in a good way, and he's barley even fighting me for solos anymore." Rachel stresses.

"I know. I try and fight off Karofsky every time I see it but I can't always be where Kurt is." I say with a frown. Tina nods.

"We've all been teased, but something about what Karofskys doing is so much worse." Tina includes.

"We're all luck enough to have boyfriends on the football team. Except for Danielle. I say, we band together and demand that they confront Karofsky." Rachel suggests.

"Why am I here then?" I ask. Rachel shrugs.

"Well I assumed with your... certain skills, that you could help anyway." Rachel explains. I smirk and rest back in my chair.

"Okay, first of all, I'm not saying Sam." Quinn starts. I frown.

"Wait you aren't?" I ask surprised. She shakes her head no.

"And second of all, I think you personally just set that feminist movement back 50 years." Quinn says. I slap my hand on my thigh. Am I invisible or something?

"But guys like Karofsky only respond to muscle." Rachel argues.

"So we're going to fight violence with violence?" Quinn asks.

"That's how we do it in Lima Heights." I shrug. Rachel looks at me.

"No! Look, I'm not saying that they should hit him. What I'm saying is that we need to defend Kurt, and there's strength in numbers." Rachel continues to argue her point.

"I'm confused. Are you and Artie officially dating now?" Tina asks while leaning over me.

"Deal with it." Brittany says.

"Why didn't you tell me that we were having a glee girls meeting?" Santana asks.

"This is a meeting for glee girls with boyfriends, We're going to make them stop Karofsky from bullying Kurt. Plus Dani." Rachel's adds me in as an afterthought.

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now