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So, here's what you missed in glee: Quinn was dating Sam, but then she kissed Finn, so Santana told Sam, and now they've started dating. Wills not dating anyone and he says he's over Emma, but it seems like he's still got a thing for her, even though she's married. Kurt really into Blaine and Blaine likes Kurt, but he says he just wants to stay friends. And that's what you missed on Glee.

Walking with Tina, Santana turns to me.

"Oh my god, Brittany's pregnant." She tells me. I gasp.

"Oh my god, Brittany's pregnant." I tell Tina. She gasps.

"Oh my god, Brittany's pregnant." Tina gasps, saying as Noah passes.

"It was only a matter of time." He says.

"Congratulations." I hear Lauren yell.

"Oh, you didn't hear? Your girlfriends preggo. You're gonna be a baby daddy." I hear Lauren yell and I force us to walk faster and away from Artie. We rush into glee club and I sit down next to Noah.

"All right folks. Regionals is in a week. It's time to get deep into our set list. Artie? You okay?" Mr. Shue asks him. We all look at Artie.

"My life is over. How am I suppose to support a baby? How could you not tell me about this?" He asks Brittany.

"Wait, Brittany, are you pregnant?" Mr. Shue asks.

"Definitely. I'm so sorry, Artie. I didn't want to upset you. I thought I could surprise you when I dropped him off. I'm pretty sure it's a boy." Brittany informs him.

"Um... babies don't get dropped off." Noah says.

"Wait, Brittany. Have you been to a doctor yet? That's the only way to be sure." Mr. Shue suggests to her.

"I don't need to go to a doctor. I just need to look outside my window. Three days ago, a stork build its nest on top of my garage. I'm not stupid. It's obviously getting ready to bring me my baby. I know where babies come from." Brittany says and I think we all sigh in relief and then collectively look at either Brittany or Mr. Shue in some kind of way. I'm too relieved.

"Oh, thank god there isn't gonna be another glee baby." I murmur and Noah nods in agreement.

"At least this one wouldn't have been mine." He replies mindlessly. I close my eyes and try and keep myself from laughing.

The next day in glee club I tilt my head in confusion as Mr. Shue writes sexy on the board.

"Sexy." Mr. Shue whispers.

"I really hope that's not one of the requirements for regionals, because with Berry in those tights, we don't stand a chance." Santana says calmly.

"No, this isn't about regionals. I'm less worried about that right now and more worried about the fact that it's become clear to me that some of you have been lacking when it comes to understanding the... the uh... the intricacies of adult relationships." Mr. Shue explains.

"You mean sex, right?" I ask plainly. Sparse laughter is heard throughout the room.

"Yeah, anyways... along with preparing for our regional next week, I want to spend the week educating ourselves about some of these... intricacies." Mr. Shue goes more into detail.

"Is this the appropriate forum for that?" Rachel asks Santana gives her a look.

"Such a prude." I murmur. Santana nods in agreement.

"Look, whenever we had, uh, issues in the past that are on our minds or giving us problems, it's always helped to sing about it. So this week I have invited a special guest. Miss holiday." Mr. Shue introduces as she walks in. We all clap and cheer.

Burning up ☞︎ A Jesse st. James Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now